
I could totally picture this being a gag from Married With Children. Cue the laugh track!

While Steve Bannon is definitely a bigot and a racist, is he actually a blatant white supremacist? White supremacist implies that he goes on about white pride and wants to form a white nation state or have minorities killed or removed or something like that - Spencer obviously qualifies for this, Bannon I don’t know.

I found a slate article with stories from the SPLC totalling at about 29 ‘white supremacist’ caused deadly incidents over the last twenty years, not initially including the Oklahoma City bombing. What Roof did and the rest of them are all horrible and more absolutely needs to be done, but there’s not some sharp spike

Something that isn’t going to get people killed? Continue to push back against them wherever you see them, continue to socially ostracize them, and organize against them if they ever grab any actual power? It worked for MLK. The civil rights movement didn’t have to resort to completely tossing away their principles to

They could amount to being anything more than being a bunch of losers that everybody hates who hand out pamplets, for one. And if you’re saying that’s what happened with Donald Trump, I have never seen a presidential candidate who’s speech was MORE challenged by more people than Donald Trump (and he deserved the shit

Well....we’ll see. Hollywood has a terrible track record with video game movies, I don’t think they do too much better with movie video games.

Authoritarian fascists don’t get into power just because their speech wasn’t met with random street violence. Look at any of the incidents in which a Trump supporter was attacked over their views. Did that ‘shut them up’? No, it galvanized them. It gave Trump a gift, as his xenophobic fearmongering now had real

So you don’t think hate speech should be illegal, but you DO think people should be physically assaulted for speaking it. That’s still pretty...strange. Making hate speech illegal is a pretty popular position I’m hearing lately, and that would seem to be much more preferable than your point of view.

“I respect the ACLU’s position, because their defense of speech I find detestable and evil increases their credibility to people who would normally see them as opposition. “ We shouldn’t tolerate hate speech, but you respect the ACLU’s position to protect it? That is going even further than just tolerating

I’m not personally upset Spencer got punched. He’s a jerk, but the guy who punched him is ALSO a jerk and deserves to be charged with assault. What really gets me is just the people cheering it on, calling for more violence. If this was just an isolated incident, and people were just amused by it and that was it, I

You can hate neo-nazis and vigorously protest their every move without supporting preemptive street violence against them. I’m with the ACLU on that entirely, I’m not exactly sure how you can respect their position of defending the KKK’s right to free speech when you hold that their speech is in itself an act of

While Kotaku’s had some blatant political posts the last few days that looked like they belonged on The Concourse or Gizmodo, this is pretty squarely in the Kotaku wheelhouse. Especially since this is even the Cosplay sub-blog, it’s even more in the wheelhouse. Plenty appropriate for the front page.

This blog is fairly

Anytime someone here vaguely remarks about the week being terrible or it being a shitty day, it’s probably Trump.

This will be his first week on the job, so I’m guessing that’s it.

So Spencer deserves some waterboarding, but not a guy like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that masterminded 9/11 in addition to advocating a hateful, misogynist ideology. Okay.

So what sort of opinion do you have of the ACLU since they’ve defended the KKK’s and neo-nazi groups’ 1st amendment rights multiple times? Typically a

My legit apologies if that’s not actually what you meant, I’ve been in and out of these conversations for a day or two and I guess I’m losing sight of why I bothered to start doing it in the first place.

It is just absolutely flabbergasting me how universal the response to this has been in the other direction and that

These Old World Radio mods are really fantastic, he seemed to get voice actors and everything or he pulled from archives or very well-done podcasts (West Vault was a little weird at first but I fell in love with it, can’t wait until he updates it with the newer podcasts). I don’t quite know how the guy pulled it off.

Yes, I am a Nazi for being uncomfortable with political violence against speech. Just like the Dems in the mid-aughts were terrorist-sympathizers for thinking that waterboarding and indefinition detention were wrong, just like the ACLU were racists for defending the KKK’s 1st amendment rights.

Being against political

So how many punches does it take until his civil liberties are violated and the people attacking him deserve to be put in prison? One? A dozen?

But not waterboarded. That’s just too much, right? Republicans just should’ve had people punching him in the face all day and the Dems would’ve rolled over. Compromise!

So what you’re saying is that you’re fine with this guy - who has committed no crimes and has killed zero people - getting attacked in broad daylight, but waterboarding someone responsible for killing american citizens to save more american citizens is too much? Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is worthy of human dignity, but