

I love the character customization in the games now, I just wish they didn’t lock off colors between versions. The dye shops in the plaza start at exclusive version colors and getting one from the other version is a pain in the ass since you need other players to care and put the dye shops in their top slot, which

I saw a top comment on a Jezebel article the other day that said, paraphrasing, ‘I’m sick of people blaming the loser for losing the election’. It was not said ironically.

I’m going to disagree there, though I may be biased because my main exposure to this sort of thing was Unity’s companion app and Mass Effect 3's datapad thing. Really didn’t like either of them (mostly because I’ve still got an old tablet and they ran really crappily on it), especially when Unity was locking stuff off

Look, I think this controversy is stupid and that people that really complained about this are the sort of people that we should ignore more often.

But ‘nigga’ is totally a racial slur. If aren’t black and you used the term interchangeably with ‘bro’ or ‘dude’, you’re being a douchebag.

Jezebel takes similar ‘satire’ by those it doesn’t agree with VERY seriously. Quite a number of the outrage dedicated to a number of individuals over the years definitely was not defused by people saying that it was ‘just a joke’. Just a really quick glance at searching ‘just a joke’ in the bar up there yielded this.

Someone was going to notice eventually. Writing about trends in games like this is pretty much Kotaku’s bread and butter, I don’t know why you’re complaining about it.

Apparently as effective in raising awareness of women’s issues, if you don’t think either one matters.

And this isn’t an Onion article. This is satire made to prove a point, and I don’t see why that point or the method of delivering it should be immune from criticism just because it’s been cloaked in humor. That’d be

When did I say I wanted to silence anyone? This place has a philosophy, and that philosophy is treated as 100% ironclad the truth. There is no room for argument, it is a fact. Anyone who disagrees with that is typically branded a troll, or if the commentariat thinks they’re stupid enough they’re ungrayed so everybody

Shit, you’re right. They ungrayed one guy and communally shat on him so it proves that this is a place open to discussion from opposing viewpoints. You got me.

Why did you even post this? You’re trying to muck up the echo chamber, and they don’t appreciate that kind of behavior around here. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a feminist to be a hypocrite, because hypocrisy = hypocrisy + power. Go mansplain somewhere else where dissent isn’t shoved in a closet because our

Dangit, of course I hear this NOW as it’s already too late to cancel my Amazon pre-order!

...yeah, I could just return it when it gets here but I do not have the mental capacity to return an unopened box with a brand new game I want in it when I probably won’t get the chance to play it for another year.

Just getting rid of the EC doesn’t really get rid of ‘spoiler’ candidates though, just lessens the impact. Ranked choice voting, like what they recently passed in Maine, would be easier to implement. Essentially you’d just rank your choices by preference, like Stein -> Hillary -> Trump and if Stein didn’t get the

If we have a system where a candidate you don’t like wins and you blame people who voted for a totally legal option on the ballot and that option isn’t that candidate you don’t like, the system is fundamentally broken. Shame people for voting if you like, but maybe when this problem cropped up 16 years ago someone

We used to call them pranks, and unironically so at that.

It’s a pretty critical distinction, I’m glad Cecilia corrected it as quickly as she did.

If that’s the case, the fan is the asshole and Etika is merely a pretty damn good troll.

If there was really a defend against Nintendo fund or the appeal to donate to him implying that that was the reason (I do know he did things like take down his own stream and claim it was by force to make it look legit), this is a scam and this guy is an asshole. If not, I’ll buy that it’s some good old fashioned and

Yeah, when the font was pointed out to me I was 100% convinced it was a fake. I DIDN’T hear that Etika actually put up a defense fund because of this, which makes him kind of a piece of shit yeah?