If Tom Brady is so good, why does he need a coach..... oh wait.

NO, just NO.

I had bought the domain name before GM had a chance to (when they were bringing over the ute version of the G8). I got a strongly worded letter from their lawyers and was told to transfer the domain over to them. I didn’t put up a fight or anything because honestly, I had no use for the domain and didn’t feel

Fiat people: Can someone call me a tow truck?

Eyes? I don’t see eyes in any of the images?

It is getting a sequel!

I keep seeing “The Book of Life” (which I loved!) every time I see something about this movie.

I had a 1998 Intrepid. (2nd gen). I got more compliments on that car than any I’ve owned. Someone said it looked like a family car made by Lamborghini. And (surprise) never had any issues with it.

Yeeeaaahhhhh....via Bluetooth. I can do the same with a dumb Bluetooth speaker, I’d hardly say that means it supports Apple Music. I mean can I ask Google Home to play my Apple Music? Doesn’t look like it.

Apple Music does not work on Google Home.

I had to say it, but count me in as one of the people who disliked Blade Runner. Too slow and boring and pretentious feeling. I’m sure there was stuff I was missing in the greater scheme of things, but the movie didn’t make me want to explore those things.

She is drop dead gorgeous.

...and yet you keep watching?

I think of them as the financial paparazzi.

Yeah! I’m included! This is breach # 5,437 I’m included in. When everyone’s info is inevitably out there, it kinda ends up....”if everyone is one is”.

The days of orphan platforms (Corvette aside) are over. I would love a successor to the Fiero (3 times owner here!)

Where is the confirmation it is named Scrambler in all those docs?

GTI. Because it seems everyone driving the g-damn things fucking drive like a-holes! (sorry car, it ain’t your fault, its the drivers....but you fall into hate by association)

I only want them to pay up so GoT doesn’t get spoiled.

But does it Hellcat?