78 Mustang II King Cobra! Because even if you paint graffiti on a stop sign, YOU CAN'T STOP DISCO!!!!!

ReMemory sounds A LOT like Natalie Wood's final project "Brainstorm" ( a movie I thoroughly enjoyed as a youth)


Ancient Cylons, duh!


Love these. What app are you using on the iPad to draw these?

Make that ANYTHING Fiero. Best car ever produced. I recommend one for all families.

4 Door Fiero SUV. WIN

Like the car....a lot. But not the price.

Here are the top 5 selling smartphones (for Q3) from NPD:

Holy A-Pillar of Doom!

Let me guess.... A GM designer left it in a bar?

How many people will get that I wonder? Love that movie BTW. Was my favorite flick growing up. Heart for you.

Fringe. Needed to be said.

Scott, what do you think of the other new Chryslers (300/Charger/Grand Cherokee/Durango)? Think Chrysler has a fighting chance with the 200 on the next go'round?

Think first...type later

One of my first cars was a Mavaerick (very close to that red color actually). One of my favorite cars to this day. I'm always looking for a clean one to restore. For $17,000 though, they can suck an egg.

I had to vote nice price because my first car was a 1985 Renault Alliance Convertible DL (1.7L). It blew a valve and waved the French surrender flag in 1990. It was a piece of crap, but my first piece of crap.

Looks like Cobb allowed Mal into his dreams again.

@vinod1978: Yup, I have all the aforementioned. Kindle=Reading. iPod Nano = Running. iPhone = Calls and mobile apps. iPad = Content Reader and jack of all trades.