
Tell Japanese kids that English speakers refer to him as

Have Japanese kids. Show them Star Wars for the first time. They'll point it out pretty quick! :D

Frazzle snazzle ropple stopple fippity fleep bop.

I don't recall the article belittling anyone, or calling anyone in the forum a "douchebag". You conjured this all up by yourself. Thus your hate on Patricia for this article is nonsensical and dumb.

The D actually stands for deadly neurotoxin, it is silent, Like you, you horrible, dangerous, mute. - Glados.

I know that it's wrong, but I get why girls are given more scrutiny when it comes to being a geek. We geeks still remember the days when girls and jocks were calling us geeks as a derogatory term, so we're a little more skeptical now that being geeky is actually becoming cool, like they're jumping on the bandwagon.

What does Gordon Freeman's voice actor have to say about all this? He's been awfully quiet these last few years.

Hit the nail on the head.

Hell yeah, over 700 collectable creatures all in one piece for only 39.99? This is the obvious choice, right?

It's called 'Infinity' because that's how many dollars you need to play this game.

Thankfully Pokemon X and Y is out soon, so if my nephew has notions of getting this I can distract him with Amphabulous.

Meanwhile at Disney:

Now playing

My attempts to understand this reference led me to discover this. I have no idea about anything anymore.

Questionable legalities on Twitter semi-adverts aside, is Potato Girl really a good mascot to have? This girl isn't exactly a picky eater...

Best Denny's moment was when I went to one with my group after our prom night. 3AM, bunch of high school seniors (The group of geeks mind you), and were just sitting talking about how the night went, Staff and a couple of other patrons in there as well.


Soon as I open Kotaku, BAM this picture, and now I'm rolling on the floor laughing.