
They kinda tied AC in with Far Cry 3 and Watch_Dogs. Mostly little Easter eggs in side quests, but I do like to pretend that the eagles near the viewpoints in AC games and the ones that fly next to your glider in FC3 are all really one immortal bird...

I find a bit of irony in the fact that the GOOD FMVs and cut scenes are usually in well-made games that let you SKIP the cut scenes, while the bad videos are often mandatory.

Ever watch Jaywalking? Where Leno goes to public universities and finds that their students aren't always all that bright? There are plenty of atheists/non-religious types who fall for stupid scams every day.

I couldn't eat a hamburger for like 6 months after that."

My family is religious, and yet we take care of our cars (and apparently, this guy tried to do the same). So I don't see what bearing that fact has on this story at all.

"But even when well-modelled, if a character with breasts the size of watermelons is wearing a metal string bikini and attacks enemies with cartwheels, it's going to be hard to make the breast physics look realistic because the scenario is not realistic," he said.

After... what, the THIRD delay? Yeah, we're mad. Especially since the consoles have had their fun for over a year and a half now. Why Rockstar can't do simultaneous releases is beyond me- I'da been perfectly happy with the last-gen version of this game if it meant I didn't have to wait forever.

Rarest overall: APB Reloaded - Cherry Ride - Earned by succesfully delivering 50 vehicles in pristine condition - 0.32%

"Arrogant" and "morons" coming from the guy insulting/judging tons of people. You lose. Good day sir.

I see nothing wrong with the Led Zeppelin CD, tho I suspect most 10-year-olds have never heard of them. I'm 28, was raised on my dad's music. Led Zeppelin will NEVER be "crappy old rock."

I'd have much happier memories of the Tomb Raider reboot if it hadn't been for all the instagib QTEs. Same goes for Prince of Persia, GTA4 (pulling yourself into the heli at the end of the last mission... I had to spam both the keyboard AND gamepad akimbo-style to mash the freakin' button(s) fast enough) and numerous

Ugh, when are devs gonna figure it out? Un-skippable cutscenes/FMVs/splash screens SUCK. One of my least favorite parts of Shift 2 Unleashed was the 1-minute portion of FMV- just long enough to slowly scroll through the company names and logos- that played every time you started the game. It made changing video

OK, what? They're fine selling thru EA of all people (who I assume is taking a percentage), and they're fine with stores like Walmart and Gamestop taking a cut, but not Steam?

If I paid for a product, I damn well expect to get said product when it comes out. And in lieu of said product, I expect a refund. That's not entitlement, that's BUSINESS.

Still a good number of people in Lord of the Rings Online. It's still a pretty good MMO, too. I imagine there are people still running around in Jedi Academy, and THAT'S from 2003.

Clumsy controls and constant dying? But I thought people loved Dark Souls!

This reminds me of those "non-disparagement agreements" I keep hearing about over at Ars Technica- a shifty company's website will have, in its EULA, something about how if you write anything bad, ANYWHERE, about the company or website, you are subject to legal action.

In some circles, I hear people (usually just trolls, but it can be hard to tell sometimes) telling Americans to "get over" 9/11 'cuz it happened 13 years ago. My new response will be "OK, when the Argentinians get over the Falklands war that happened 32 years ago."

In Soviet Russia, car jacks YOU.

If they'd have done simultaneous releases for each game as they came out (like plenty of other developers who don't benefit from PC sales), they wouldn't have the headache of having to go back and port them all at once.