
Funny, when I adopted my cats from the rescue groups (in the U.S), part of the agreements I signed was that I would NOT let me cats outside - that they would be strictly indoor cats. My vets have always asked whether I let them outside (and supported me saying I do not)

I like to think of the post-post-divorce weight loss- gain as the "well, at least I'm healthier and can eat and have stopped crying and feel like cooking and eating out with friends again" plan.

Yep. LittleCatChick is in the midst of giving me serious grief about not having time to play soccer or run around with her (meanwhile, I'm cooking our dinner and we just spent a whole day doing fun stuff). I really hope she sees the light at the end of the tunnel some day for what I'm doing as a single mom.

*goes to build new ammo room addition to house*

Oh, joy. LittleCatChick is just growing out of MLP just in time to be sucked into the next phase...It's a very complex world of names, special skills that somehow make sense in pony world. I don't even pretend to understand

Did all women in the 20's have rosacea? I would have fit right in. All those Irish genes, I guess.

Hell, I'm 40 and still dealing with this. I want it and my boyfriend doesn't that day/afternoon/night? I'm a crazy slut (in my own head). Doesn't help that my last BF (who was 45 years old) basically told me that my desire for more than once-a-month was "wanting sex all the time".

I'm really upset at the media portrayal of this - on no less than 3 different tv stations did I see a teaser focusing on "for teens not even old enough to drive!". Totally ignoring the fact that way to many girls under driving age are getting pregnant and could benefit from Plan B.

As a mom of an elementary schooler forced to kidz-bop during almost every car ride with my kid, I mourn, but love that you made it a verb

The AG book about Julie, from 1973, just became my next step in teaching Little CatChick about feminism. It's all about how she's not allowed to play basketball on the school team, with a background of Title IX, and how she works to change the system. Cheesy references to macrame and pet rocks, aside. And her

I walked into my boyfriend's house this weekend and he had, prominently displayed on his mantle, the TNG Pez collection, neatly in its box. I almost had my way with him right then and there. And then I playfully chastised him for buying for himself yet another great gift idea. He always just buys all the fun stuff

You just made my day a million times!

I didn't buy popcorn from the little guy in my neighborhood selling it this year. I felt awful for him and his immediate troop, but just can't support that kind of organization.

I need that! If only I was handy...My daughter got old enough to sleep on her own all night and I adopted the neediest kitty who HAS to come and go as he pleases during the night - from cuddled up by my side to his 4 am attacks on various invisible creatures up and down the stairs.


Ok, Ok, no need to go there. I'll accept one cute gif instead. I'll assume the box of Earl Grey is in the mail...

You owe me one keyboard and one cup of tea.

Texas 80's drill team in the house! Shiny support hose, gallons of hair spray, Kilgore summer camps? We actually switched to white Keds with long socks instead of boots. Better or worse, who knows?

Thanks, this is helpful!

Care to share your standard answer? I'm about to start the job hunting guantlet and know that this will definitely be an issue for me. I was underpaid for years, just now feel caught up, but have to leave my current company.