Chef Samuelsson can scramble my eggs anytime...
Chef Samuelsson can scramble my eggs anytime...
I wear my a military plane preparing to go knock heads and tweak some balls I can ... so I so awesome for you
I hear you, I am afraid of ending up attracted to a republican! I'm been doing some speed dating and I'm desperately trying to come up with a casual, non-offensive way to ask within 3 minutes, "So, do you watch Fox News in a non-ironic way, have an American Flag sticker on your car (yes, I know its not just…
No, he doesn't recommend that. I know Dr. Brawley and that is not anywhere near his intention. The pros and cons of cancer treatment are also viewed through a population lens - in general are we better off having a few overdiagnosis than missing potentially many cases of breast cancer? For prostate cancer, is…
I'm familiar with the tanning bed/cancer connection because of my job working at a cancer org, so tanning beds influence cancer risk both in cumulative effect (a few minutes of tanning each week or month adds up over time) and acute effect (staying once in a bed too long with intense UV rays can possibly trigger…
I was speaking more generally of politicians, sorry that wasn't clear.
For the life of me, I don't get how a man with daughters and a wife he claims to respect can support policies that go directly against those women's freedoms and rights. How can he look in his daughter's face and believe that she is second class, that her health and happiness matter less than those of a man?
Yes, this is way more effective than requiring employees to meet a certain BMI or join Weight Watchers if they want to avoid paying higher insurance premiums. That is punishing people for weight that they can't necessarily control. Same as offering a onsite gym - is a benefit for those who wish to use it.
It's a amazing what they can do with pink slime these days...
What, my daughter stuck some glue, pipe cleaners and glitter to a bunch of empty packets. She only needed 300 of them to make a little tower, and so what if it just makes a gigantic mess and no sound when she grabs her wooden spoons to play rock star?