
I've heard somewhere around 70. Either way, just saw this on reddit. If it's true, I'm BEYOND excited now!

I agree with everyone else that it's good they don't add a large number. It will likely be close to Gen 2, which added 100 Pokemon. They can only add so many before they have to stop. Soon, nobody is going to want to "Catch 'em all!" And I thing that if Mega's appear in the Pokedex with a number, then they count.

Honestly depends on the game. Some games, like the new Tomb Raider, any LoZ (or Nintendo game for the most part), GTA V, and Deadpool, I literally sped through. I'll usually beat them in a few days to a week. Wind Waker HD, for example, I got Friday and beat it about an hour ago. But some games I never beat. Diablo 3,

Ah, I forgot about those. I seem to remember though that if you saw or caught a Pokemon that wasn't in the regional dex, they'd either just not be there until you got the National Dex, or they would appear after the last Pokemon. I wanna say this was shown in the 3rd generation.

I'm sure the only game they've done that with was Black and White where they didn't want you to have old Pokemon. You should be able to get them just fine

It says on the FAQ that you can access it as soon as you get a Pokedex.

But the Pokemon won't even listen to you unless you have the appropriate Gym Badge. It's been that way since the original Red and Green/Blue.

Maybe we'll get to battle him later on when he has a better team. It'd be nice. Maybe something also similar to the PWT in the last games where you could battle old gym leaders and champions

Goddammit! Is it Saturday yet?! I've got Wind Waker to tie me over until then, but I can't wait!

I've never finished any of the Scribblenauts games... They're fun, don't get me wrong, but I just never beat them. I might get this for super cheap, maybe during a Steam sale, just to screw around

Oh ok. I'd much rather it just be the full special instead. And I figured maybe they'd try to show it here around the time X and Y came out too

Ahh, the amazing Egoraptor...

Actually, I think they said it is going to be a 4 episode mini series. Thank god, because I doubt they could cram everything into 1 episode without screwing it up

8 patterns per character. 4 characters total. So you can have up to 32

Because Daisy was April, so they made Luigi be Casey. Daisy and Luigi. April and Casey.

Umm, Nintendo did apologize to early adopters of the 3DS. We got 20 free games, 10 of which aren't available to anyone else right now.

Yea, cause my TV definitely doesn't say 1080p when I use my Wii U. It does more 1080p than my PS3. There are very few YouTube videos that offer 1080p. I usually see 720 or 480 as the highest. That's just the upload quality. So try again

I think most games will run 1080p on the Wii U.

The Ganondorf statue is so awesome looking, so no :P I almost bought the Alien: Colonial Marines Special Edition that my local GameStop had for $40 just for the statue it came with...

While everyone is complaining about not waiting, I'll just wait until someone makes a vinyl decal for the gamepad on Etsy. You can already buy the decal to make the 3DS look like the Zelda themed one.