
Orson Scott card even, wow not sure what I was thinking about.
Thank you though for being civil about this the entire way through, it's unusual to have a differing opinion with someone online and not have it devolve into name calling.

Not less you want men in suits and Hansen questioning you :D

By that logic everyone in the world who can see it should see it just by virtue of people invested time/money into it, and not even see it for the want or like of the subject.
It's not a really good reason in and of itself.
Sorry to break it to you, life is unfair, you want it something done you do it yourself.

Because that protest will accomplish so much?
With that said actually if it does hurt sales they would have an idea being as this all has been hammered to death over and over and the studio and the author have both said things about this issue.

Erm, but generally you don't see custom made consoles, unless you're talking about a place you can mod your console or w/e so it can play pirated games?

I miss Calvin and Hobbes so much.

Ok, that's much better, in fact I can actually agree to that.
It's not neccessarily cruel but it's not in good taste by any means, and I do actually feel bad for the kid just judging by that picture alone.

Great series, watch it, like now!

it always annoyed me that they call it a right to work, it just really seems like right for an employer to be an asshole

They do in theory but it's all bullshit, in the service we're supposed to speak up about racism/sexism etc or illegal things we see and if we do we get repercussions even though we're supposed to be safe from reprisal, it's the damn same everywhere.

Also I'd like to add with your line of thought Halloween would be a disgusting day where a sizable chunk of the nation abuses their children by virtue of putting them in costume.
If this was actually abuse the U.N. clearly would have said something. How come CPS has nothing about the costume thing?
In addition why have

Child abuse defined as an act, or failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Sexual Abuse, or exploitation of a child, or which places the child in an imminent risk of serious harm (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g).
Citing this. http://legal-dictionary.thefree

How is that even remotely abuse?
I was abused a kid and that there is nothing akin to abuse, hyperbole much?

Her finger is straight and off the trigger, and she's not pointing at anything she doesn't intend to shoot, I can't see the safety so no clue if it's on safe.

Knights made me cry as a warrior.
It wasn't until POP that aggro became good on a warrior and that was ONLY due to having a dark blade of the warlord and eoe.

Yeah, buncha new chars and new areas/towns, you might enjoy it.

Try being a wood elf warrior, you had um, kick, taunt, rampage, aoe taunt.

They removed the coin system a while back btw!

Alchemy is very viable, or whatever it is that makes potions etc, otherwise yeah, generally sucks, not sure if construct armor is still the best if so iirc you had to craft that, best for pvp that is.