I was an ord tech in the Marines, was a gamer before during and after, nothing I learned in years of gaming was relevant for my time in the Marines.
I was an ord tech in the Marines, was a gamer before during and after, nothing I learned in years of gaming was relevant for my time in the Marines.
cough cough http://www.secretservice.gov/ntac/ssi_final_report.pdf
Hipsters also breathe oxygen, don't stop liking things just because those evil weirdos like it or do it.
Well, some of the questions seem to try and put an introvert as being an unhealthy thing,when it's actually ok to be an introvert. It's best to try and be more well rounded, but introverts are just as mentally healthy as an extrovert. Otherwise the test seemed decent.
Odd, no Apple Fanbois defending this?
That's it!
I'd move the fridge to my room if a trip to the fridge was like that >>
Then why does your party of asshats keep saying those type of things, over and over?
Question for you, why is your candidate against antibullying?
Citations would be nice.
I'm a left leaning type and military, and the families of those involved generally asked for it to not be politicized and I agree, let the families grieve and I'm sorry for you loss ma'am/sir.
Sweet, I can run fight and make explosives, I'll be a 1% er yay!
P.S. I'm actually not being contrite when I say this, but you really shouldn't let inconsequential things anger you, it empowers the other person and in addition takes time off your lifespan, it's not worth it for yourself, good day.
Any gamer should know who Donkey Kong is.
Uh huh, whatever you say kid, you can respond back when you become an adult who can construct an argument without resorting to attacks consisting of calling a person a retard.
Sorry they don't let people with mental issues work in my field, please do try again oh ragey one.
I just find issue with a gamer saying Donkey Kong isn't iconic.
Ah, Ad hominem the sign of a truly strong argument.
I can see that most definitely.
You should also thank me for telling you about the Statue of Liberty, it's obscure according to you. Bbye now oh angry child~