Awesome, good to know, adding that to the list! ty!
Awesome, good to know, adding that to the list! ty!
A lot of people have mentioned Sennheiser so I think that's the brand I will try, I don't mind even spending 200 if it allows me to keep them working for 6 months.
Oh awesome, adding those to my list to be tested, thank you very much!
My condolences, and I have a very expensive receiver and speaker system, it's just my better half would murder my face off if I used it at the volume I'd like, lol.
Thank you very much, something to research!
Don't worry they'll be happy to thief your purple drops! :P
Anyone able to recommend a good headset offhand?
Yeah, I loved the series, still do.
Or Justin Beiber being a quality artist, or Jesery Shore being quality or perhaps the Kardashians, etc. Quantity=/= quality, so I agree with you fully.
Would be nice, I am not particularly fond of extremists from either camp! :)
Enjoy all 3 hours of it if you do, it was a very fun 3 hours though.
I'm a moderate, former Repub, and I despise Romney, so I'm automatically a dirty liberal to most of the right, totally makes sense to me.
Don't dare talk smack about the dreamcast, I'll cut you! D:
My jaw was almost ripped off from the accident, so sorta bad. Had a PTSD attack, was a bit after I left the service and that led to the accident, lol.
Some medications do cause adverse side effects.
I can totally see that, what you said, and sorry for late response been borderland2ing lol
I never said anything about glorifying war. My work doesn't even glorify war and we're in the business of war more or less. Freedom of speech in the states actually has a bit of limitations on it in terms of fighting speech or incitement. It could be covered in those cases if it was something completely horrible.
I'm considered a liberal by some and I find this just to be downright stupid. The actions of Apple are always stupid though.