
Yeah, a good friend, actually my best friend for about 4 years is Brazilian, she's a business woman and we gamed together for the entire time, love her to death. That said, sadly a lot of the Brazilians I run into love screaming Alguem BR, and generally being obnoxious, I know not all Brazilians are like this, just

Only the ones dying to shake your hand :/

E cigg my friend! I use one that plugs into my usb port,lol

What if the polish gets on your mouse?:/


It's f2p, can play it on the Jp ver, it's in open beta, no wipe, fairly fun too

It is good, just play on the JP server.

yes sir, as D.Dark. PSObumped forums ftw.

Phantasy Star Online open beta.

Sure there is, use the brakes on a high speed turn! j/k

I hope so as well, but they have it more in line with the older UT's as well as Ut2k4, though I did enjoy the hoverboards from ut3.

Um sure, if you want I'm sure someone will scrap some roadkill on it for you...

Oh it surprised me too when I first used them, bought some turtle bay headphones and they were rude to me when I called in after they broke after 2hgours of use, dealth with the BBB and they were bending over backwards for me then, heh.

Companies do take notice when you file a BBB complaint against them, it's a better move than to just gripe to them.

It's a Dairy Queen frozen Treat.

Phantasy Star Online had a little light thing you could swirl around the screen, I recall another game during the load screen having a dig dug type game and a galaga type game.

It didn't work well for Zombies ate my neighbors though :(

Online mmo's and guilds are a totally diff story, I missed a concert I was waiting a year for due to peer pressure to raid, so glad I'm not in that mindset anymore, lol.If I want to be at the alert and just do the task set ahead of me, I have my real life job that I can accomplish that in.

Your comment on homophobic pre-pubescents reminded me of an episode of Sanity not included.

Sad to say, the next UT might have to be fan made, or at least an article with the devs say as much, it's an older article though, maybe with the new engine there's new hope of a good nongears of waresque UT?