Error 44: Basketball not found.
Error 44: Basketball not found.
Joke's on all of us- Peter Dinklage is also in that bag.
Costas:Jerry- do you mind if I call you Jerry? Anyway, Jerry, I just want to give you the chance to explain. what. exactly. happened. in those showers at Penn State.
Hope if works out for Matheny- doesn't look like he's going to last long on the Professional Roshambo Tour.
Can't believe Dawkins gave up the ball so freely- he's usually a selfish Dick.
Careful Jets fans- historically, Rexes develop terrible complexes when faced with extreme stress.
Holy shit- Leon is (still) getting laaaaarrrrrger.
Chris Brown writes and edits
Clearly, Mark got caught looking ahead to Thursday night.
After all, winning is more important than effective pocket-passing.
Damn, who knew the Pats had linebackers?
Pink comments are made by unapproved commenters. Most are probably just people stopping in, not necessarily looking to be a regular commenter.
Holy shit
Look what you did, Rob Malone! You did this. This is your fault.
Shit, bro! Don't Hate!
It's really too bad it got AT banned. That only applies to the single site, right?
BOOM! Gronkowski!