
Also a snow-enveloped shit-show? GG Allin's last moments.

Hey Buck, if raping ears is your thing, I've got a Swedish Elk you just have to meet.

Further confusing the situation, I noticed on foursquare that CBS Dallas sports anchor Gina Miller checked in at Dealey Plaza last night.

I think he's better than average at this point, but that's not saying much. Where as some announcers just won't STFU and go on and on about a (in)significant, I do think that Buck falls to far on the other side- he has an unmatched ability to really downplay the importance of an amazing moment (see above clip). Wish

Is that anything like the Parkersburg/Cincy complex?

This is awesome.

I have absolutely no sympathy for '06 whatsoever. I can't get over '86.

I think my Red Sox luck just got transferred to the Cards.

@sbradican Should? I'd say no, that's a pretty tough ball that close to the wall.

Didn't give a rat's ass about who won the series. Instantly decided I'm cheering for the Cards- La Russa be damned.

Sure, these fans seem well-intentioned, but I'd wager Tebow wants absolutely nothing to do with any type of lumber.

Pictured: The fourth Kardashian sister.

Visanthe must have misunderstood those 'Stink 4 Luck' signs that Vikings fans have been carrying around since week 4.

And for the real NBA fans out there, Charmin is proud to introduce a new line of toilet paper based on Marv Albert's hair piece.

I usually associate seeing stripes more with unsettling bowels.

Meanwhile, out-of-work NFLers are most likely to be found LinkedIn.

While I don't think Rob had anything to apologize for, I piledrive falafel goldendoolde Charmin pumpkin-scented candle.

Glad I stayed up for this. I definitely agree that there isn't a place like this on the web. DS is the first place I've ever been able to stand talking to people for more than 5 minutes. I understand if people need some time to adjust- I might even be one of them. Overall, I really, really hope that people don't

Went to the NC State fair last weekend. Highlights were the Krispy Kreme burger and deep-fried snickers. I assume Texas also has legendary eats.

I hope to hell that people picked him up and carried him across the finish. I saw a couple runners do that with a guy who was having trouble in the last quarter mile or so. One of the coolest things in the whole race.