
I'm not sure that a shotgun would have helped much with the bear that close. I'm guessing the bear would take the shot like a champ, and then eat you. About the only thing that'd help you at that close range is powered armor or praying.

That looong blink by the mi (me?) just says so much. haha

Once again, Mindbender makes me spit tea at my pc.

That is, what people in the business, call a 'win'.

Half Life 3 confirmed?

Yeah, seriously waiting on that angle to be reported on.

If he's getting blown by a female, nothing. But if it was another dude, people would flip their shit.

We pledge that if we create a next installment

Interesting. So, if you make a type of media, with an anthro style character in it, you have to have a sexual fetish for it in order to explain all the effort you went into making said media. Not, say, the desire to tell a certain kind of story or evoke a feeling.

There's an obvious reason the boys are killed and the girls are not.

There's plans for a Last starfighter remake?

Arguably, the two most important parts of any festival, gathering, or party are the entrance and the exit.

To put your example more in line with the OP, let's say there is a Chinese national in said armor. Just as there was, supposedly, a Asian person walking on the bridge at the time they made their quip. At best, the 'chink' comment would be a terrible faux pas, but you could beg forgiveness for it. at worst, its a

The money is really just a non - choice. The actress wants the show off the air, and an apology from the BBC. If she'd just come out and demanded that, she'd never get it. If, however, the alternative is paying out x number of millions of pounds, well hell, an apology is free.

Damn you. : ) 36 books signed by Elmore? wow.

'But the chairman of Community Board 2′s Sidewalks and Street Activity Committee Maury Schott told DNAinfo that the organization had to prove that the proposed street fair was "indigenous" to the street between Broadway and Lafayette, although he could not explain what that meant.'

To be fair, that walrus does outweigh Harbaugh by a few hundred pounds.

The fact that Raisin Bran is ranked below Mueslix on any list of cereals, arbitrary or not, is a travesty of justice.

Good points all around.

I'm sure there are several such studies out there. The thing is, I'd guess all or nearly all of them reflect badly on W-mart as a whole, and W-mart's PR department and/or legal defense teams, have buried or stopped those reports from being widely disseminated.