
So you’re saying that in a game where a talking, jetpack-equipped Dr. Space Monkey PhD leads a band of heroes made up of an invincible autonomous robot turret, a time traveling cockney woman, a flying nanotech enhanced surgeon, a DJ from Brasil that can walk on walls and shoot sound waves at people, a chick who can

I don’t see it. If anything this is much more like Big Hero 6: young genius constructs an autonomous robot and now they’re crime-fighting buddies.

Are you writing a book dedicated to how much you hate this hero?

the hell are you rambling about?

Nope. Not progress at all. It’s incredibly stereotypical. How do you make the ridiculous, sniveling sidekick cartoon into an actual person? What sort of qualities might that person have? “I know! Let’s make him super gay! That’ll work!”

When I first read the title, I assumed it was going to be Cogsworth the clock. Anyone else feel me on this?

Yeah, I’m a little gobsmacked myself. Georgia, of all places....

This is the silver lining in this awful story for me. I am completely amazed that Georgia pursued this case, used these laws to convict, and actually gave hefty sentences to these assholes.

Many abusers were abused as children. However most people who were abused don’t go on to be abusers. People sometimes act like those are reflexively true, but they are very different.

I bet using that hour long sex-break to take a fucking nap would be just as enjoyable and increase my productivity.

Not sure how much the dwindling population has to do with lack of sex....but it’s probably more so related to the availability of birth control, people getting married and being ready to have kids later in life, and the extremely high and increasing cost of having children. An hour-long break in the workday is simply

umm no sorry didn’t you read the article all women like it all women like the same things getting a woman off is just like a video game up up down down ABAB down down up start

I don’t like deep kissing/French kissing. Yuck.

I don’t like em either, but other people do. Who the fuck cares. It’s toys.

And in the end, these people concern is that a guy shows his penis to a teen buy when a girl or a woman claims to be raped these same people do not believe them, this double standard makes me so angry.

Been a while since I’ve played a good traitor game. The only thing is I know I have a bad poker face and people that know me know that I’m normally risk averse and act accordingly.

Um no, not maybe still a guy. Legally, psychologically and socially she is female.
It’s bullshit attitudes like that that led to her having a fucking emotional breakdown back stage and resigning.

I’m not a whale expert, but probably build bigger tanks with no show at all. You can’t release them back into the wild but we don’t have to make the rest of their lives doing tricks for our amusement.

And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.