
As much as the Sonic games helpee develop me into the mega nerd mom I am today...just.....why.........................

While I don’t like her way of thinking, who are you to tell people once they come out of the closet they must all think a certain way? I think she is an asshole but she doesn’t have to change being an asshole just because she is trans.

Not to really defend them much because this is awful, but you can find those toy jeeps in yard sales for like $10.

This is exactly what we did. It was awesome.

Okay, not having games installed on work phones is fine if you ask me. I thought they were banning them on personal phones as well.

Um, did they ban all cell phones in general? Like cell phones all have the ability to take photos. There is no way to prevent photos from being taken unless you just ban cell phones at work.

I was reading the article and thought “I bet it’s Instinct...” and sure enough it is. Well played.

Why must the world make everyone straight?

What about the gay women in the USA today who are living in total misery in a Christian world? Don’t point fingers when there is shit also going on in your back yard.

During my morning commute I’ll have the game running in the passenger seat. Obviously I don’t play but I liked my cheap free km for my eggs when it is stop and go traffic. There are also stretches of my drive where I am going 60+ mph, it would be annoying if this kept popping up if the speed of the car changes

I work in a dental office. I had a second to spare so I decided to help my coworker by making the little goody bag that you leave with after your cleaning - toothbrush/paste and floss - for the child cleaning she was doing. I didnt really look at the color of the toothbrush I just picked one out of the box and put it

Yeah, how dare she elect to have twins! People need to stop choosing to conceive twins!

Proof of what? Like what is he supposed to be otherwise?

She is a good pair with Lucio or Zen for support. I wouldn’t have her be the only support like you sometimes can with Mercy or Lucio.

One group was a victim of genocide and have basically no media representation. Pirate skins for another group don’t have the same cultural effect. The dynamics are different.

I always just used baby powder when I am in a rush. I know dry shampoo is no real substitute for actually showering but how does it compare to baby power?

Just the other night I got berated I’m text chat by some asshole playing Reaper because I was playing Symetra and not being the best. Fucking. Symetra. Player. Ever.

Self driving cars: 1.

Every time I tried to remove my hair in a million different ways the hair ALWAYS grew back ingrown and it’s awful. While I would prefer for it to just not exist it does not bother me enough to constantly deal with ingrown hairs. Not worth it.

Surprise! Everyone in Overwatch is gay but one character.