
Yeah, because different people cannot be good at different styles of play. What works for one works for all, amiright?

I have ADD but I have never never never been able to sleep with any radio or TV on - I always found it too distracting. I literally cannot remember a single time in my life where I fell alseep during a TV show or movie - I always had to turn it off to sleep. I would think the same would apply to most people with

And people wonder why we want to adopt an older child. Yes, older children have completely different issues that are equally challenging, but usually a 6 year old won’t literally scream and cry for 24-hours straight for basically 2 years straight.

My favorite was while the rest of my party was fighting a dragon, for some reason my rouge was in the dragons lair for treasure. I think I was scouting ahead while the dragon snuck up on the rest of the party. The point is that my character was unaware of the dragon. As everyone is nearing death someone comes running

This reminds me when I was running crafts for a group of children and this mom came up to me asking if her daughter was doing the craft correctly. I looked at the child who was having a blast completely getting the craft technically wrong and I said to the mother “As long as she is having fun.” Who gives a single

A lot of people like to make stories in the Sims. If a person wanted to tell the story of someone identifying as trans they can do this without mods or cheats now.

This is great. There was always mods to fix this but it is nice to see this from the developers themselves.

And sometimes that song is row row row your boat on a kids album at the dollar store

Because those pills are a carcinogenic, but the risk of getting heartworms as a puppy is worse than your dog being old and getting cancer when they only have a few years left regardless. Humans tend to live longer than dogs so if we took it on a regular basis we would be in trouble

If standing up for yourself would of only caused bodily harm then what good is it to stop being a victim?

You don’t know what you are talking about. You can’t just take an xray on yourself, outside of the astronomical costs for portable xray machines and film and the facilities to develop said film unless you want to invest in astronomically high digital xrays, you need to be trained to take the proper kinds of xrays to

I guess we are just trolling to divert the subject now. That’s fine.

But if you don’t go in for the when there are no noticeable symtoms and easily treatable, instead waiting for you to be hurting and beyond treatment then how can “science and medicine” treat you correctly?

Thanks for being part of the problem. You’re not a bad person, you don’t eat kittens or anything, but you’re doing something bad and don’t pretend you’re better than ‘those other resellers’. You are the problem, fix it or stop pretending you’re better.


You do realize a lot of treatable conditions have no symptoms until they have progress to a not treatable stage...right?

You just can’t not do something based in horror stories. The millions of people who go about their day just fine won’t be going to the internet to praise it as often as the few people who actually have a bad side effect want to preach of its horrors. Research, yes, but realize your medical situation is so vastly

I had it and basically had 0 problems. People will have horror stories about every and any medical procedure known to man kind- you need to talk to your doctor about the right option for you.

Their families would disagree about their world not lost anything.