
But if you don’t go in for the when there are no noticeable symtoms and easily treatable, instead waiting for you to be hurting and beyond treatment then how can “science and medicine” treat you correctly?

Thanks for being part of the problem. You’re not a bad person, you don’t eat kittens or anything, but you’re doing something bad and don’t pretend you’re better than ‘those other resellers’. You are the problem, fix it or stop pretending you’re better.


You do realize a lot of treatable conditions have no symptoms until they have progress to a not treatable stage...right?

You just can’t not do something based in horror stories. The millions of people who go about their day just fine won’t be going to the internet to praise it as often as the few people who actually have a bad side effect want to preach of its horrors. Research, yes, but realize your medical situation is so vastly

I had it and basically had 0 problems. People will have horror stories about every and any medical procedure known to man kind- you need to talk to your doctor about the right option for you.

Their families would disagree about their world not lost anything.

Someone help me, but if on the federal level abortion is legal then how can an individual state ban it despite on a federal level its not?

I have the exact same hair as you, but its the way all these people are wearing their hair - in the most boring same way. Wavy hair can be so much more than just this but it’s all the same.

All their hair looks the same. I’m so ready for the loose wave fad to be over with EVERYONE HAS THE SAME HAIR

Yes, because us white people are known for pink hair and purple eyes taking up 95% of our faces.

I want to give you money now, that was brilliant.

I just came back from the store purchasing a bunch of pepper plants to plant in my garden. I now have 10 varieties of hot peppers. I guess some people object to my lifestyle of gardening because I dare to garden while gay. I bet these peppers will catch the gay too, part of the gay agenda afterall.

I’ve seen about 5 dollar generals go up in the past 3 years in my area. High quality jobs there folks.

Hoo boy, if you think Gainesville is small you haven’t really lived in Florida then....

I hope the kid your coworker has is the one wiping your ass when you’re old in a nursing home. You realize people have to exist for tomorrow to take care of our shitty asses when we’re old and can’t anymore?

IT really was. This was the prom I went with just friends We rented a limo in the big city an hour away and went bowling and other debauchery associated with the event. My senior prom I went with a date and he was as exciting as a wet rag. Prom is so much better with a group of friends vs a date - no societal

Lol, my home town is a small farming community. We just finished eating at the one Chinese resturants which is by one of 3 gas stations in town. Then we went to the school cafeteria for the prom.

I’m the one in the hat. This is about 2004 or so. I took a photo of this out of my high school scrapbook I made so legit teenage commentary there.

These people would loose their shit when they realize that probably daily they share a bathroom with a trans person somewhere.