
Aromantic people can occur in any sexual orientation.

I guess we should change marriage vows to be "in sickness or in health unless the sickness makes sex painful which inconveniences me"

If she is unsure she just needs to leave then; he deserves someone who won't leave his side even if he has medical conditions that he cannot control. Again I don't care if they have a non-monogamous relationship; but her answers are so wishy washy it more or less seems like she doesn't wan to admit on a public forum

I was just bringing up a point no one was mentioning. Like good for them for discussing things, but I would honestly love to hear his side of the story. As someone who has a medical condition that inhibits sex we can often times feel cornered into agreeing into an more open relationship in fear of loosing what we do

"As of right now, it has been over four years since my husband has been able to perform oral sex on me. And it hurts and builds resentment when you turn to the person lying in bed next to you, try to initiate sex, and you get rejected. Over and over again. Then that resentment spills into other areas. "

I have no problem with non-monagmous relationships. It's the cheating on her part because she couldn't get sex due to a medical condition I have a problem with.

I am seeing so many people praise this person with just a side remark on how she shouldn't of cheated. Can we discuss why she cheated???

My Biggest Lie: I am straight instead of asexual and that I in fact enjoy sex.

As an asexual with vaginismus my entire reproductive system is useless.

This is a great introductory article for sure. I was ready for the typical article about how it's a psychological condition cured by therapy , but you really described the complexity of the situation so well. If you were to also go forward with another vaginismus article I would also advise that while the majority of

It's amazing how doctors can go to so many years of school, yet know nothing.

I came here to respond that my gyno told me to "just have a baby" to cure my symptoms. When I told him that people have reported vaginismus after childbirth he told me not to read things on the internet, trust the medical professionals. I never went back.

I write an advice blog for people with vaginismus. I saw the title of this article, ready to hate it for all the misinformation that most articles have. This one is spot on and very accurate. I applaud it. I do wish it discussed more the difficulty of having to work with gynecologists, since many of them dismiss

While I play lots of different games (just got done playing a few rounds of the Evolve beta), but honestly, anymore I spend about 80% of my time playing the Sims 3/4, mostly for home building. I love the creative tools the game has provided and I thoroughly enjoy building within the game. But even with that I still

EXACTLY. I work in a small dental office. If you go to a small dental office you have a 99.9% chance that no one has any medical benefits of any kind and everyone working there is over a year due on their own cleanings. A co-worker was out on maternity leave and was mortified she couldn't work for a month because she

As an animal rescue volunteer I cannot agree more with every point.

I volunteer with an animal rescue that pulls animals from the county kill shelter. We get declawed cats all the time. Any animal rescue group will tell you that getting a cat declawed does not increase their chances of being kept.

There is a pro-declawing notion that states a declawed cat in a home is better than a clawed cat abandoned. I volunteer with an animal rescue that pulls animals from the county kill shelter. We get declawed cats all the time. Any animal rescue group will tell you that getting a cat declawed does not increase their

I win. I fucking win.

Bless my mother, I had bad acne as a kid and she remembered the ridicule she faced when she was that age and put me on antibiotics. They worked, but my middle school days were basically spent having a constant yeast infection in exchange. I told my mother that I didn't care about the teasing, I just wanted to have a