Because excruciating pain is more important to deal with than not having an orgasm, sorry to tell you this.
Because excruciating pain is more important to deal with than not having an orgasm, sorry to tell you this.
How about researching other vaginal sexual disorders like vaginismus or vulvodynia? These have so little research that us suffering with this are left with scraps of research that do nothing really while we suffer with physical pain just to use tampons or have pelvic exams. But yeah, lets go and focus our female…
While I live in North Florida, I believe most lawmakers in this state are actually aliens because they are so far removed from reality I can't even.
Compared to the emotional and physical pain that vaginismus brings, the partner is inconvenienced. The people who break up over a fucking medical condition are horrible people, end of story.
This is way to common. I have vaginismus and I would say about 70% of people who have it experienced their partner(s) breaking up with them because of being inconvenienced with not having vaginal sex.
Well, I am enjoying this game, but I have enjoyed the previous games as well. I don't know how y'all are playing it but me and the spouse spit-screen it and we have tons of fun with one of the few split-screen co-op games out there. I especially love how now we can split screen and also have online players join, which…
It's called vaginismus and it's not funny.
As someone with vaginismus this makes me want to vomit.
There are a lot of voters in the very red Florida panhandle that keep people like him elected. Ugh.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Please research asexuality before talking about it again. Everything you said is so offensive I can only assume you had not done any research. Please do research.
thank you. I hate it when people say you had to play X, Y, and Z game to really KNOW good games. I guess fuck you if you only had a budget for a small handful of games but you enjoyed them; you're not gamery enough for the gamer club unless you have unlimited funds.
maybe do a retro badge year in scouting, find old badges and badgebooks on Ebay and do the requirements for them?
agreed. We went camping, canoeing, swimming, and other outdoorsy stuff in our GS troop.
if someone was that sensitive over that I wouldn't be having sex with them anyway.
I have a friend who is studying to be a counselor. This is what she told me from the current DSM: There are two diagnosis depending on your gender. (Non binary people and trans people can go fuck themselves) Basically if you are asexual and never had a desire for sex the treatment plan consists of going through…
And it only changed for certain sexualities. Being a sex adverse asexual still warrants a diagnosis with a "treatment plan"
According to the newest version of the DSM being a sex adverse asexual is a dysfunction with a treatment plan to fix us. I assure you that my "treatment" did not fix me, only broke my spirits more. BTW, this took place between 2009-2012. LBGT people like to focus on the "bigger fish" to deal with, but I was still…
I second this. I spend so many hours building a home considering the smallest details, researching home interior styles, and floor plans. From what I gathered they really have streamlined the building process for people which naturally makes us builders sad. I loved how complicated it was, I could bend and break so…
I am also a builder. Your posts have confirmed what I have suspected about the Sims 4 building mode. I am sad, but they can't take my Sims 3 away.