
With the way you replied it seemed to me you were trying to claim it as a Southern thing with it being in Austin; just taking a jab at Texas.

The smell of industrialization and yuppies is slowly creeping into my backwoods towns. Hopefully the time zone change will protect me from this plague.

Texas is it's own ecosystem, I refuse to consider it part of the South. =P

So yea, it's a Yankee thing.

I should of mentioned I live in the Panhandle. Good to know the closest one is 8 hours away.

I've never seen a Whole Foods, I live in Florida. Is this a Yankee thing? =P

Thanks for sharing. Someone else I am talking to reported that they could only seek treatment after they stopped taking Lutera.

Did your symptoms go away immediately after taking a different medication or did the symptoms subside over time, or had to seek treatment for the vaginismus? If you don't feel like answering that is okay, but I kinda have this NEED now to know more about vaginismus and birth control link. We can also discuss more over

Like I don't even understand the logic behind not testing women for meds. If a medicine works even when I am on my period then I will be a continued customer when I need the med vs keeping trying different things in hoping something would work. It makes more money sense to test women. But I guess our money is dirty or

I run a blog that discusses vaginismus and never heard of a birth control link to vaginismus; and I read a lot of things about it. Do you mind telling me what brand you were on? I am very very very interested in doing research on this.

Thats interesting about the birth control. If doctors actually cared about vaginal sexual disorders they might do a study on it, but they don't give a shit and rather study MENZ problems.

Ok, okay. I just wanted to let you know there was other options since your original post made it seem like you didn't know about them or that you had seeked help at all. Vaginismus makes you feel so alone and doctors are worthless, the community has to help each other out.

....what the everliving fuck. I know doctors can discharge patients, why didn't he just discharge you instead being all wishy washy about it and making the receptionist the middle person. Doctors are the fucking worst.

There are other treatments than the dilators. In the UK several people have reported success with the Vagi-Wave (I live in the US so I cannot get it, but it exists and has helped some people), there is also seeking an actual physical therapist specializing in the pelvic floor muscles, and also Botox injections (botox

I have vaginismus. I had to go to 4 doctors before I had one actually take me somewhat seriously. Doctors told me to have drunk sex as a solution. Medical professionals advising people to get roaring drunk as a medical, professional solution. Doctors told me I needed to relax, to take it easy. Doctors dismissed me,

Who thinks that altering any work uniform is ever a good idea? I am sure there are problems with them but that would need to be addressed with the higher ups vs just doing it against regulation. I don't understand how they thought altering without permission would be a good idea.

Not of you are the one wondering what happened to your family member.

My grandmother is a widow; when I was born she moved in temporarily to help my parents out. Thankfully everything has worked out, compatible personalities, not needing to downsize into a tiny house, etc. My grandmother realized how lonely she felt once living alone; plus between three people with different work


I could imagine if your child fell asleep in the car and you have a long commute and your tired and your brain does the zone-out-auto-pilot thing this could happen.