Of course. Just in the future before trying to deny people the ability to serve openly do some research.
Of course. Just in the future before trying to deny people the ability to serve openly do some research.
Your original question was about how could trans people receive their medications while in combat zones. I replied that soldiers already needing daily medications are in combat zones so that point means nothing. Also the fact several other countries allow trans members to openly serve which has resulted in 0 problems,…
Yeah, but I dont know how that relates to letting trans soldiers be open. I thought you were talking about secret trans experiments or something. Either way trans people are serving openly and without problem in other countries, there is no excuse for the US to be behind.
....ask the other countries how they do it? Also a lot of soldiers take regular medications on a daily basis even in combat zones???? Who is taking experimental drugs for what??????????????
The wife has unofficially came out to her coworkers and supervisors - all of them have been very cool about it thankfully. She has just under a year left on her contract so she is going to ride it out. But they already knew she was bi and not your typical military member to begin with. But it is a different political…
Exactly - closeted trans members are serving next to other countries military members who are openly trans and they are doing fine. It is only a matter of time before trans people can serve openly in the US....I just wish it was sooner so my wife could stay in. She likes her job, is good at it, but cannot hide who she…
Too bad the US military still has a ban on trans members. Hopefully with this being signed this will help the military change their stuff since a lot of these contracted employees work with the military.
Must of misread - eitherway the point still stand on how content of the article is not changed nor the enjoyment of the comment section is somehow diminished by considering some people's needs.
A warning at the top of the page of the contents of the article will not inhibit you from enjoying the article or the comment section any less. Get over yourself.
In Florida "Fortunately it was summer" would mean he would of been a puddle in the car.
At this point you are just trolling. Good day.
Uh-huh. Whatever birth order you are must be prone to believing in stereotypes.
Then don't look, quickly scroll past? You can also hide posts you don't want to see.
And people with siblings don't tend to be self centered brats? Too many people defy the stereotypes placed on them by birth order to ever just assume you can determine one's traits. Also correlation does not equal causation.
no no no no no no no no no no no no nonoonnonoonononnoononnooooooooooononononononononononononononnonononononoonon
Correction: Most people are annoying shitheads regardless of birth order.
Also that Roger is the only person (rabbit?) that sees her for who she is, not just a sexual object.
lol, imagine being an only child and something breaks in the house.
Jessica Rabbit is an awesome character - she is smart and dedicated to her husband despite how she is drawn has everyone believing she is untrustworthy and "easy." Her quote "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" means more than people realize.
Do other parents use their other children as their kids sole means of socialization before school? No neighborhood friends, no daycare, no playgroups, no similar aged family members? Why would you limit your childs exposure to other people being their siblings before school?