
And people with siblings don't tend to be self centered brats? Too many people defy the stereotypes placed on them by birth order to ever just assume you can determine one's traits. Also correlation does not equal causation.

no no no no no no no no no no no no nonoonnonoonononnoononnooooooooooononononononononononononononnonononononoonon

Correction: Most people are annoying shitheads regardless of birth order.

Also that Roger is the only person (rabbit?) that sees her for who she is, not just a sexual object.

lol, imagine being an only child and something breaks in the house.

Jessica Rabbit is an awesome character - she is smart and dedicated to her husband despite how she is drawn has everyone believing she is untrustworthy and "easy." Her quote "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" means more than people realize.

Do other parents use their other children as their kids sole means of socialization before school? No neighborhood friends, no daycare, no playgroups, no similar aged family members? Why would you limit your childs exposure to other people being their siblings before school?

Always do what is right for your family! Keep being badass!

When my friends would joke around and say that they were their parents least favorite child I would reply I am their only child and the dogs were still their favorite children. =P

It is true that I am secretly a little jealous of the spouse having 3 sisters and them talking to each other about family stuff as equals. I obviously can discuss things with my parents now but it's not the same as someone in the same age bracket.

I am not a mother but definitely don't feel guilty, to me what you are feeling would be a normal reaction. I can't imagine someone actually liking changing diapers, the constant nagging, etc. I know I will love my kids when I have them but I fully acknowledge that school aged kids are my favorite age group.

But people with siblings have bad social skills all the time? I wouldn't necessarily blame that on being an only child...

What was it about being an only child that made you want a larger family? Looking back at my childhood I saw many advantages to being an only child; able to participate in both Girl Scouts and band without needing to choose due to finances, was able to go on more trips as a family, if my parents needed to go out of

It is kinda hard to have sibling related issues with no siblings =P

Ask your husband if he heard of these things called "friends" =P

I did when I was elementary school aged, but as I got older I didn't care one way or the other. I think at that point too people were either dealing with an annoying high school aged sibling or a toddler sibling and kept hearing the stories and I was like UGH no thanks. =P I think it also helped that my best friend at

My father was an only child as well, when my grandmother developed Alzheimers it was very difficult -I just graduated high school but had to delay my education to help my dad be a caretaker. The only good thing, in my book, that came form it was while it was difficult it was easier to work with just the two of us vs

Are you serious?

lol, my parents just shoved me outside until it was dark. Ahh, the good ol' days.

I am biased because I grew up as an only child...but I still have no idea why anyone would want to raise more than one child. I consider the 'pros and cons' of growing up with or without siblings to come out even at the end...but I guess I am an underachiever. I know I took a village of a family to help raise me