
They are smaller, just don't understand why they don't market them as just being, you know, small. Apparently all men have huge gaping holes for ears.

I work at Target and just last week I had to stock the 'ladies' earplugs. Exact same thing: smaller, same price, less in package. Apparently men have giant ear holes and women have tiny dainty ear holes. I don't understand why they didn't market it as just 'small' and 'large' because people have different sized ears?

cue everyone using their "I have a _____ friend" card.

Should of said "Yeah, I should smile more on the flight to my brothers funeral." And then smiled while they stared at you awkardly.

A week before the field trip send a letter home saying if you want your child to have X brand of sunscreen. If they say yes have the chaperones apply midday the sunscreen, spray kind of course. Problem solved and no one gets skin cancer 40 years down the road.

Nice to see that mass e-mails and letters to legislators actually helped. Often times they look at the piles of letters and say "Fuck it, I'mma gonna do what I want."

I agree, I also think only real Americans speak English!! (/sarcasm)

Use plastic grocery bags we all have stored in the closet and take out the trash each time? Not a big deal.

I am an overweight person myself and agree with the sentiment, but can we stop calling people sticks/paper thin/ etc? Can we just call them thin people instead of dehumanizing them?

When you cannot type up a proper rebuttal then people pick apart your response with grammar mistakes.

Shut your sexist face. Lesbians and bisexual women seem to go about their lives just fine without objectifying women and not asking them to cover their bodies lest they be distracted. This is a male problem and it must be fixed. That attitude that "boys will be boys" is what makes this world a harmful place for women.

If you don't want to see her thong how about you don't look vs forcing her to change her behavior? What they do on their own time is their issue, not yours. If they don't look professional and that somehow effects them finding as job in the long run how does that effect you again?

When I was working in the clinic at our school we couldn't wear nail polish, fake nails, or jewelery, but we were also in scrubs so at that point it was a hygiene thing. If it just a classroom setting then I don't know why they enforce such a dress code. You will be seeing patients wearing anything - you cannot say

I'm showing up in this shirt:

My spouse got in a debate with a coworker about gay marriage, the coworker eventually brought up the having babies point. (disregarding LBGT+ people have biological children all the time) My spouse mentioned how we cannot have children and how some people don't want children, in which the coworker replied "If you

I remember my friend having a laptop back in the dial up days and going to her fathers house for a month which was on the other side of the state. She didn't take into consideration that from that distance would incur long distance phone fees and her father was very upset with her when the bill came in. Ahh, the good

Google Image search results for 'snow in Saudi Arabia'

Have you been to a volcano? How can you know what it is without seeing one? Have you seen a hot climate rain forest? How can you really know what it is without seeing it? Get your racist ass out of here.

Are you for real?

I never learned about the internment camps either - I grew up in the redneck part of Florida and graduated high school in 2006. But of course we were also taught that racism was 'over' when minorities got to vote and I never even knew of black face in the media until I researched it myself as an adult - but of course