
There are minimal volunteer opportunities. No food kitchen, homeless shelter, no animal shelter or other typical places where kids pick up community service hours; also most other community services like roadside trash pick up, public lawn care and such is provided by the inmates of the state prisons - basically the

Holmes county, yehaw!!

Well since my school was in the state of Florida and since about 15 of the surrounding Florida schools had the same problems of no funding, low staffing/staff not giving a shit, and extremely low educational standards. Sure, I graduated with a 2.3 GPA, nothing stellar but I passed. I then went to college and basically

I guess it comes from the historical context of the word originally meaning the British or whatever.

You dirty Yankees not considering things.

That's super great if you can even get that B average and even have the ability to get the 150 hours. Only 5 kids out of my graduating class of about 80 got the Bright Future Scholarships, but most of the reasons why kids could not get the scholarships were outside the schools control. Again, I can only attest to my

Again, I cannot attest to other schools other than mine, but my schooling system was horrible. Very rural and poor counties have some similar issues issues that inner city schools have when it comes to funding, lack of staff, crime, and children coming from less than desirable homes.

As a product of the Florida public education system.....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOO

I am sure the guests were handed a program - on mine the last page and the back of the program had ads on it - no one cared.

Ours was on the high school football field. The years it rained it was in the gym. No one cared because we were too excited about saying goodbye to high school forever.

I get there are expenses, how about a fund raiser or to get community sponsorss? Charging for seats and for the kids to even fucking walk is ridiculous.

I can't star up this post enough.

I don't see the problem, a warning the coffee is hot on the cup is not the same as denying people coffee.

I read past the headline but didn't click through. This article is written horribly to get the whole picture I need to read a different article.

No, they just need to stop, period. No adoption agency or state if they have a brain cell should ever adopt to them. Any children needing a home needs to go to a home where the parents are raising the kids, not kids raising kids. Kids needing homes deserve better than this and I feel so sad for any more children that

Taking fertility treatment is not exactly leaving things in Gods hands. How about instead of just making kids you actually raise the kids you have vs just letting children take car eof children. You have grandchildren already, how about take part in their lives? If you really want more children instead of risking your

Oh come on, everyone knows dragons are more realistic than gay people! </sarcasm>

It's activism when you're the majority, it's simply acknowledging that we exist for everyone else.

Sansa has grown to be my favorite character in the show - she is one of the smartest characters on the show and knows when to speak and when not to speak - which is a trait many people including her father did not have and thus lost their heads.

I think she is awesome - she is turning something that she enjoys into a gift for people for fucking free. I am sure she is working with a doctor that will tell her when it is unhealthy for her to continue on with this. I think she was saying 'I won't stop until my womb falls out' more as a joke. She is obviously