
I don't deny people overeat, myself included. It's just a gross oversimplication that you can somehow know how much your energy your body naturally uses and to just know exactly how much to eat without gaining or loosing weight.

??? It's not like people lay in bed at night and think to themselves "Yeah, I felt like I used 2047 calories today, I should strive for an extra 125 calories burned over the next few days." You can use calorie counters and everything but you don't know exactly how your body is processing those calories instantaneously

It's not about consuming calories but how your body processes the said calories. There are a list of reasons that your body is slower to use the calories.

Sounds about right.

What bothers me the most is the fact they have fucking lips. I can take their creepy eyes, nose, and their overall design...except for the lips.

I watched it for the first time last night when it was on TV. It was cute and funny at times, but I did not see the appeal of it turning into a cult classic or whatever.

"There should never be a gender/skin color shoe-horned into a role to boost ratings or pander to a crowd."

Oh, I know people are spread out all over the place, I don't deny that, I am simply just offering a different perspective. Humanity has only recently in our histroy on the planet has been moving away as often as we do - thus our idealology of what the 'best family' has shifted from a group family environment to a

*Stands on all the women who have worked their asses off so she can stand there today* Feminism is not important and I don't like it. "*walks away on all the women who continue to be oppressed today and tomorrow.*

Do non-hetero relationships all fail? This is news to me.

Why is Fox in my home town? Go away, you're too close on my channel guide.

Look at the calendar.

I am not a parent but one day I hope that does happen. I can say after reading several posts I haven't seen anyone who included their parents with their child raising plans.

Ugh, if they are going to play this game just have everyone objectified while eating burgers.

At a place where I cannot see the video, so I'll take your word for it. Is he as objectified as the women burger porn stars I've seen in other Hardees commercials?

I just don't get why they are alienating half their market. If they want to use overt sexuality just use male and female models in burger porn; please everyone?? But apparently marketing to half the human population is not on their agenda? Oh well, their loss.

Can the opposite happen where it is horribly hot all year and you want to wear a jacket because it might mean the A/C is turned off for the first time in 10 months?

Thanks for the info, but I have honestly moved on with my life from math. I was able to find tutors in our area, but could not afford them. The college I went to stopped having free tutoring beyond the remedial courses. After the 4th time or so of taking the remedial course I did actually pass with an A to my

I wish we could just dismantle the current education system and start over. It is deplorable that teachers feel like they need to slide the kids on so they can have a piece of paper that will grant them employment anywhere vs grading honestly and the kid never having a chance of employment outside of fast food. But I

I basically passed my senior year math class on participation vs actually learning ability. I don't remember what the class was called, but it was basically dumb kid math. I think the teacher knew that the majority of people in this class had struggled with math their entire lives and even barely made it this far.