Ugh, if they are going to play this game just have everyone objectified while eating burgers.
Ugh, if they are going to play this game just have everyone objectified while eating burgers.
At a place where I cannot see the video, so I'll take your word for it. Is he as objectified as the women burger porn stars I've seen in other Hardees commercials?
I just don't get why they are alienating half their market. If they want to use overt sexuality just use male and female models in burger porn; please everyone?? But apparently marketing to half the human population is not on their agenda? Oh well, their loss.
Can the opposite happen where it is horribly hot all year and you want to wear a jacket because it might mean the A/C is turned off for the first time in 10 months?
Thanks for the info, but I have honestly moved on with my life from math. I was able to find tutors in our area, but could not afford them. The college I went to stopped having free tutoring beyond the remedial courses. After the 4th time or so of taking the remedial course I did actually pass with an A to my…
I wish we could just dismantle the current education system and start over. It is deplorable that teachers feel like they need to slide the kids on so they can have a piece of paper that will grant them employment anywhere vs grading honestly and the kid never having a chance of employment outside of fast food. But I…
I basically passed my senior year math class on participation vs actually learning ability. I don't remember what the class was called, but it was basically dumb kid math. I think the teacher knew that the majority of people in this class had struggled with math their entire lives and even barely made it this far.…
Pretty much. Also look out for not promoting women because they believe men should be in positions of authority, uniforms with dresses for women, women not being able to cut hair, etc...
Don't forget the thousands of people in the military and their families that get free birth control as well. We are already paying for it; just make it fair if you ask me. Preventing people is much cheaper than providing for people.
Want to join on my non-religious religious venture to save money?
Also forgot to mention how my dad was going on about how he does not want to pay for birth control via government services, but then I reminded him that he is already paying for mine because my spouse is in the military and also for the thousands of female soldiers and/or spouses who also use birth control provided…
You're indirectly paying for them with taxes for varied government services that provides birth control, so they will be paying for my whore pills no matter what. But when they go to heaven God will give them a gold star because they did not directly do it or something.
I am going to run a business and use this case to claim my prayer based medical insurance. I don't believe in medicine at all, God will save those who help themselves or something.
I found this article, in which I promptly loled at because he says Christians lead the movement against slavery. I guess he kinda forgot about how Christians enslaved an entire race of people in more recent history.
The Holy Highlighter of God
Well no, you see when Jesus was born he came with a list of things God cancelled from the old laws and it happened to cancel the convenient things like the cloth and the shrimp thing, but God highlighted all the gay parts so we need to super focus on that.
In other words; don't complain when my yarn collection has started to overflow from the closet into the living space. =P
Translation: "I don't like a certain kind of people, so instead of trying to better understand them and maybe in exchange better understanding myself and my opinions about the world I am going to close my eyes, plug my ears, and go 'lalalalalalala' until people leave me alone about being a bigot."
No, your opinion on the trans community is a joke and cannot be taken seriously, thus it is a joke. Come back actually educated on trans people vs what the media tell you and then you can talk about trans related issues. Bye now, come back better educated.