
And if you’re only attracted to green-eyed redheads, with varying tempers, personalities, physical traits, sizes, occupations - you’ve got yourself a fetish.

On the bright side, you get to have sex with your favorite person whenever you want.

Yes. On reddit he makes a lot of noise.

I think it’s crazy that women are the ones who are expected to settle or, heaven forbid, we’ll stay single. Statistically we’ll have to do more housework and carry more of the emotional load of the relationship, and yet we’re supposed to settle for an unemployed dude who we don’t find attractive? LOL NOPE

—Besides, short guys have every right to be furious that they’re not being selected because of their height—

Great post.

I’m going to ask you to go back and read over your post. You’ve told me that my dating pool is men in their late 30s, just assuming that men can get away with rejecting women who are the same age or a couple years older. If we’re going to make women sit down and do the hard work of deconstructing their biases against

It reminds me of the whole taking your husband’s name when you get married thing. As every Jezebel article on the subject illustrates, many if not most female readers either took their husband’s name or plan to, which is perfectly understandable. But way, way too many of them angrily insist that they did so completely

I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve

Given that we have a (state? Can't be arsed to check) senator who thinks that women can get vaginal ultrasounds by swallowing a camera, I no longer feel even a scintilla of surprise about grown men and their ignorance of female anatomy.

Exactly!!! One of my friends posted something about how he'll never forget, nor will he forget the millions of Iraqis who were killed for what exactly? You can imagine how pissed people were. Iraqis aren't Christian so they don't count!!

I understand you’ve chosen Jindal Hill as the place to die for reasons unbeknownst to anyone short of Sarah Palin. Dude’s a first-class political moron driving his state into the sea no matter how many academic accolades he has. Accept it and move on.

I felt much the same way about it that I did with another Chloe Moretz-driven horror remake, Let Me In: I liked it, but it just seemed unnecessary to me. Hollywood has everything backwards. Rather than remaking good/great films, which at best is going to be considered a wash (has anyone ever improved on what was

Top down shot, showing the girl on the bed. The camera slowly zooms in and she struggles against the orderlies. Eventually the camera stops zooming and the only thing in frame is the bottom edge of her surgical gown, her knees, and the gloved hands and arms of the doctor that’s ready to grab the baby. The audio also

Man, the Donald Glover Spiderman has gotten pretty dark :)

lol yeah, I’d say not getting pregnant with a child I can’t care for is pretty “convenient” for me.

I dislike how “convenience” is being redefined to mean “other people’s problems that I don’t give a shit about.” Want pain meds for your injured back so you can make it through a day at your desk? You don’t need narcotics just for convenience - take some Advil and suck it up. But then, people never say that about back

It’s a medical condition commonly known as “Trump taint” whereby exercise-induced perineal vasodialation begins vocalizing irrational jingoist twaddle.

Technically, these are independent repititions, but it is true that you can’t call a study invalid based on just one failure to replicate it. Replications in all scientific fields can fail for any number of reasons, especially regression to the mean. At best that suggests a need for further research. People (by which

Oh, great, I was wondering how long it would take before someone on i09 got wind of this news and blew it out of proportion.