
This is an excellent point:

He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.

“All experiments in psychology are not of this [cargo cult] type, however. For example there have been many experiments running rats through all kinds of mazes, and so on — with little clear result. But in 1937 a man named Young did a very interesting one. He had a long corridor with doors all along one side where

No, that’s not how it works. When PP gets $10 from the government, it does $10 worth of non-abortion services it couldn’t do otherwise. When it doesn’t get the $10, it does $10 less of non-abortion services. The completely separate accounts for the abortion side of the business are unchanged either way.

No pretending necessary. Because of the Hyde amendment, PP is organized as two corporations—one that does abortions, and one that does everything else. The money is not part of a communal account, and money donated to the non-abortion side of the business is not and can never be used for abortions.

As someone who recently moved to a new city, I’m all about asking potential friends out like I would a potential romantic partner (i.e. - “Hey you’re cool - do you want to get lunch sometime?”). Its awkward as hell but super genuine, and the fastest way to make a new friend. Plus anyone who turns their nose up at an

I’ve been desperately trying to find a gif of that or “Meredith, someone should put a bell on you” but NO.

Act hurt for one day, then be light and cheerful but not super friendly at work. Don’t ignore or snipe at your quarry but make sure there’s just a little barrier there.

quit fox news immediately.

I worked in political campaigns. Literally yesterday I had one of my old work friends comes to my birthday and it became painfully clear we became friends because we worked in a high pressured 24/7 work culture where none of us met or saw anyone outside our jobs for months at a time. We spent months together in hotels

Do like me, I make paper dolls of them and then eyeball them as I put their paper doll into the shredder.

Yeah, I agree. I don’t like Kris, but nobody can tell me that watching your partner of 20+ years transition and leave you is an easy thing. This was the longest marriage for both and you could tell they always got along fine. It was crazy how they both met and entered a relationship with all these kids from previous

If you want to do extra work for someone who is being paid the same as you and has the same employment description and duties, that’s your choice. But it’s not a policy any company should impose on its workers.

Also, what if this were a male FA whose religious beliefs prevented him from interacting with women.

I agree with you there (although it presumes that someone else can and will serve you - they could in fact be busy with their other duties, thus leading to me not being served.) Mostly though, as an atheist, I’m just so tired of tiptoeing around the requirements of religious people when they seem not to give two fucks

I would’ve eventually gotten annoyed if I had to basically fill in for this girl every time someone requested an alcoholic beverage. I also come from a very conservative religious household, but when it came to making money and pulling your weight my parents have always been like “god who?”

Really, by that argument, clerks have always been able to marry gay couples as long as they thought it was the right thing to do. All that SCOTUS stuff was needless!

You also have to remember that Huckabee pardoned violent convicted rapist, Wayne DuMond, because he thought that, “...Supervision under parole was important.”

Yep. Also this.