
Kinja is a fucking travesty, which is why I very rarely ever come here. I’m perma-grey and not invested in clawing my way out of that hole because really, IDGAF. But the entire system is fatally flawed and a really great way to stymie intelligent, naturally-flowing conversation. If one these sad dickheads wants to

Afraid of what? Being made fun of the way way women and minorities have been mocked and ridiculed forever? The police aren’t shooting white guys at traffic stops. Quit being such a fucking baby.

Nope, even the guy who “invented” labradoodles because he was looking for a hypoallergenic guide dog for the blind, said there was zero consistency amongst litter mates for producing allergens, and the fact that they’re now promoted as being hypoallergenic as a breed (they’re not a breed) and sold to gullible rubes

I really hope that’s the name of the film. Or a thrash punk ska band.

Oooh! I bags Disraeli Ambrosia

Do you live in a warzone? Are you a drug dealer? Jesus, how paranoid do you have to be to keep a gun in your recliner and your bed? I feel really sorry for you that you’re so frightened of life that you need a metal safety blanket with you at all times. 

No, they just keep voting for people who keep legislating away minority rights and then whining that people hold them personally responsible for the people they keep electing.

Well your crazy Jesus rant full of random all-caps has certainly convinced me you’re sane enough to own high powered firearms.

I thought they got Huckabees horrible daughter to do her job?

I guess if you consider guys in their 30's with 16 year old girlfriends “nice”.

No actually, shunning racists doesn’t make you as bad as a racist, but thanks for your passionate defence of them.

So we need to gently hand hold racists through their destructive bullshit to the promised land of inclusive tolerance? Pardon me if people have better things to do than pander to entitled white guys some more.

Oh did congress make a law requiring those rioters prevent Milo speaking? Was Milo there to petition the government for redress of grievances? Wow, we’re really down the rabbit hole now. Or you could read the full text of what you yourself quoted and stop embarrassing yourself.

That’s not true. As an Australian we have both public and private healthcare, with private healthcare attracting a government subsidy to relieve some of the burden on the public system. It’s perfectly possible for private insurers to thrive in a nation with a public option.

Is it “affording” it, if you charge everything to your election campaign? I assume that’s why he started his 2020 campaign as soon as he moved into the WH. He really needs access to that money because he’s broke af.

People weren’t worried about the legit protesters, but about agent provocateurs (ie. people paid to go to protests and behave violently in order to allow police suppression and to paint the protesters as anarchists and a violent mob). It has happened in many, many other nations and frankly, given the national guard

Ewan McGregor thanked them!

Well, he’s right. It’s not spelled “socilism”.

No, it’s a pretty safe bet that people who wank off on the internet about how tough they are, probably have never experienced anything more harrowing than your mom making you do your own laundry.

Which comment was that? The OP didn’t say anything of the sort.