In the US, mentally ill people can get hold of guns with ease. I don’t paramedics for not wanting to walk into that situation.
In the US, mentally ill people can get hold of guns with ease. I don’t paramedics for not wanting to walk into that situation.
Good god, give the pot evangelism a rest. If people are becoming dependent on substances to cope with emotional or psychological pain, then no, legal weed is not addressing the fundamental issue. The type of substance a person uses as an escape is less important than the fact they a) are suffering due to entrenched…
...says the guy hurling abuse at someone over fucking punctuation. Get a grip.
That’s not what “clean eating” means.
Words can mean anything if you snip off the rest of the sentence that provides context that proves you wrong!
No, your writing was perfectly clear given the context. People’s shitty reading comprehension is not your problem.
Oh please, he ended with “Let’s hope this doesn’t happen in November”. It’s almost like, rather than re-reading a sentence to include context, people just rushed to bash out ragey responses on the basis of their poor comprehension.
So you’ll stand with Trump supporters instead? Yeah, they’re much more reasonable, logical and calm-minded. Jesus.
The fuck is wrong with all you people? The guy has said repeatedly he’s voting for Clinton, even though he supports Sanders. Who are you even arguing with here?
It’s not global. Hardly anyone outside the US knows who Hamilton is, let alone are creaming their jeans at the chance to watch him singing about some war that no one gives a shit about. Sorry, I’m sure it’s important to America but I wish people would stop equating “big in the US” with "big everywhere"
I think you must have to be American to have that kind of reaction because while the choreography and singing/rapping are obviously technically very good, I have no idea what they’re on about. I got the cast recording and couldn’t make it past song 2 without having to Wikipedia Alexander Hamilton.
Shit man, you better inform every guy who ever got a boner watching lesbian porn that there was no reason for it.
People that play Devil’s Advocate because they think it makes them some kind of unique snowflake to argue a controversial opinion, don’t really have any business whining when people treat their insincerely held opinion as serious.
Why stray from the tried and true method of calling a woman unfuckable?
You think pregnancy and childbirth is just a walk in the park? First of all, it’s really expensive, so is the father going to pay all the costs for the womans pre-natal care, hospital bills and maternity clothes? Is the father going to monitor the woman 24 hours a day to make sure she’s not drinking or smoking or…
Congrats! You’re exactly who this article was written for, not women. Jia is a cool girl feminist who’s not like all those other feminists who’re just shrill harpies who get guys fired. She’s only offended by a guy literally threatening to rape her personally, unlike other feminists who just run around trying to get…
Nailed it. Jez wants quality commenters on par with sites like The Toast, but they don’t want to provide Toast quality content. That site is doing a great mix of high quality think pieces, essays, poetry and fiction, clever humour and satire, but alas, not very clickbaity. They emailed every registered commenter a…
While intriguing, this presumes that Trump isn’t a self-aggrandising, pea-brained moron. Which he clearly is.
It’s really good to see a conservative actually be honest about their desire to implement Christian sharia law, even if they stop short of calling it that.
Why would soccer fans talk about the Mecca crush? Do you think the survivors of that would be talking about a stadium crush? People literally don’t have the capacity to care about everysinglething, so they care about the things that have relevance to their lives.