
Maybe the other women just don't want to put in the effort with her because she's sending off total judgemental dick vibes?

"Waaah, why won't all these women just accept my bitching about how boring women are without getting all shitty about it?"

So bring up the new Wes Anderson film then! No one is forcing you to talk about juicing. It's called steering the conversation. If the people you're talking to are dead set on talking about juicing, then go talk to the interesting people. And I've heard plenty of dude-only conversations where the topic was how much

Seriously, just wait for a lull in the conversation and then bring up your topic. You don't have to be all "Eh, babies, not interested." I don't have kids or a relationship and I still get on with women fine because even women with babies and relationships have other stuff they want to talk about.

Well since you're a scientist, you should understand the meaning of "confirmation bias" and how this pertains to your situation.

I think women take umbrage at it, because they can never just say "I generally enjoy the company of men more than women", they always have to belittle women at the same time in an effort to make themselves seem not like all the rest of us stupid, vacuous broads who only talk about nail polish and Sex and the City

I'm the biggest bleeding heart liberal feminist around and I didn't empathise with her at all. I mean, you don't need a crystal ball to realise that carrying around a loaded gun and drinking is going to end in disaster. But then again, I'm not American so the kind of "NEED GUN AT ALL TIMES!" mentality is totally

There are two?

Except further reports have come out about how one of the kids faces was covered in bruises and the child who was killed had a huge piece of his lip hanging off. So yeah, the shelter workers clearly missed some pretty significant signs here and they should be held accountable.

God yes, this. I'm imagining this poor guy/girl working long hours, doing a physically demanding job, just trying to get some peoples lost luggage back to them and writing a hastily scribbled note in their non-native language and then they get shit all over for it? I mean, I read this article expecting the person to

Considering Aristotle didn't speak English, I find that very hard to believe.

Who are these "extreme liberals" I keep hearing about? Do they have their own version of the Tea Party? Do they influence public policy at all? Do they manage to shut down government? Please elaborate, I'm all ears.

I mean, if we're talking little kids, then I totally agree with you, but any kid over 14, is going to have already seen sex and violence in a lot less cerebral media than this already. I mean, where do you draw the line? I think a lot of reality TV has far, far less value than GOT, but there's no real outrage over

I don't know, I think once you've read the books, what's the point in tiptoeing around the show? And some kids are really precocious readers. I'd read The Name of the Rose, Schindlers List and every single Wilbur Smith book by the time I was 14. Some visual T & A was not going to scar me for life once I'd read in

OHHH SHIIII……oh wait, I’m over 30 so probably safely in the “Way too old, gross, as if I’d fuck someone the same age as me” category. Thank Christ.

Enjoy being a fucking goldfish, then.

Empathy and understanding are two totally different things. I can empathise with abuse survivors, but I’ll never actually understand what it’s like. That’s the basis of my non-judgement.

Uh…sounds like he had a bunch of issues that were totally unrelated to anything you might have said to him.

Putting clothes on an object that has been placed in your environment (an environment you are paying tens of thousands of dollars to inhabit no less), is not censorship. Beauty is subjective. My giant paper-mache sculpture of Justin Beiber is the most goddamn glorious thing I’ve ever seen*, but I don’t expect everyone

I’m not actually talking about bigots who don’t vote anti-gay, I’m talking about those who do. Maybe I’m confused because on the one hand you hate anti-gay politicians, but on the other you seemed to be excusing voters who actually put those anti-gay politicians into power by saying they vote out of economic