
Thanks for making me picture Jaden Smith's O-face.

I actually thought these were photos the article writer had taken of the photos in the magazines and then uploaded digitally. Good to know they're just shitty photos.

I think the answer may lie in that scientific study which concluded that widows are the happiest and most satisfied group of people (above married people and single people of both genders) and widowers are the unhappiest. No married woman, no matter how much she loves her husband, is going to double down.

Truly equitable polygamy seems impracticable - even if I could only marry two people, they could each marry another person, each of whom could marry another person, etc. Soon I could be entangled through marriage with the entire population of California.

Some jackhole on the radio came on spouting off about gay marriage ruining straight marriage, and my 87 year old grandmothers response was "Yeah, like that time Prince Charles and Diana's divorce ruined my marriage"

Thanks, I often wonder why people like him bother? Seems like such a sad and desperate thing to do.

That kid is going to spend the rest of his life saying "It's Naythyn...with two Y's", then watching people spend 5 minutes doing mental acrobatics to try and figure out where the fuck to put two Y's in Nathan.

Why? Because you want to able to treat your friends with disrespect with absolutely no consequences?

Don't flatter yourself. I'm clicking around reading related articles and wasn't looking at the dates. I don't follow individual posters, but I'm not shocked that I disagree with you on multiple issues.

The entire point of feminism is equality for women. If you are anti-feminism, you are anti-equality for women. It is that simple. You can hate INDIVIDUAL feminists, but to hate the movement as a whole just says to women "I wish it were 100 years ago and you bitches couldn't vote or own property"

Maybe it's because women didn't just start up Women's Rights groups so they could sit around bitching about how shit the patriarchy was and how men ruin everything. They found something within the broad umbrella of women's rights and agitated for change for that PARTICULAR THING. So we had women's suffrage, where

Seriously? This isn't donating a kidney or jumping on a grenade in a foxhole. This is cutting a dickhead out of your life because they don't respect you and are actively making your life worse. If that's where you want to make your stand for altruism and selflessness, be my guest. I would call it being a hopelessly

Because you call people who don't want to tolerate abusive situations "selfish" and say they're "running away"? Because you say that people shouldn't cut people out of their lives if it will leave the abusive party worse off, regardless of the effect on one's own mental or physical health?

Yeah, but they're not your problems. The person with the problem needs to address them. WITH A PROFESSIONAL. That's like telling a victim of domestic abuse that removing themselves from the violent situation is "running away" instead of addressing it. If someone is abusing you, then running away IS addressing it.

I go on ruthless yearly Facebook defriending binges. Friends, family, random people I met at a party; if we don't hang out in real life or you've revealed that you're actually a secret racist or something, you're gone. No one has ever said anything about it to me, probably because the people I defriend tend to be

No, that's how you live your life without becoming a doormat for every abusive nutjob with entitlement issues who happens to come along. People like this need professional help, not an enabler.

Hindsight is 20/20 with regards to Star Wars. She had every reason to believe that Star Wars I-III would be as critically successful as the original trilogy. Just like we all did...(sobs quietly)

Who is even saying that? You're just making stuff up now to try and justify your over reacting to a point that everyone else seemed to understand just fine.

I graduated without knowing who Mandela was or why he was important.

This gif is a thing of beauty.