
Uh, I don't know if I've just been lucky in the sexing department, but I've never been with a guy who didn't want to do everything possible to get me off. even guys who were giant tools personality wise really liked to do stuff to and with me that would make me scream. Give dudes some credit.

You never noticed it because it's not true.

This is how I felt when they replaced David Attenborough with Sigourny Weaver to narrate the Planet Earth DVD because apparently US audiences can't deal with an English accent.

The bathroom is the most echoey room in the house! You need a room with sound dampening qualities.Yes, I have put some thought into this...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one, judging by these comments. It's like a war zone down there.

Well said, lady. Print this out and tape in every mens room in the country.

Ugh, gotcha.

So where did the boys pick that up?

Non-snarky question: how is the stuff made for cross-dressers and drag queens sexually explotative? Does she mean it's sexy, frilly lingerie?

God, me too. I want to smell the man. There's a huge difference between rank BO and a persons natural body smell. Both down below and elsewhere.

I had the exact same problem and I really sympathise. A kidney infection is no fun at all. Mine were actually caused by cleaning down there TOO much. But recurrant infections can also be a sign of untreated STI like chlamydia or something as simple as wiping from back to front instead of vice versa. A friend of mine

Doesn't this taste terrible though? Every baby wipe I've ever used has been impregnated with chemicals that, if I've accidentally got in my mouth, taste like pool cleaner. I'd rather just take a shower and taste clean dick than chemical dick.

You don't have to shove them up your vag to get a UTI. If you're susceptible ( as I was for awhile) simply cleaning the outer area can give you an infection. What happens on the outside doesn't always stay on the outside. They have a way of working their way into the urethra or vagina. The best advice my doctor ever

Well....we're waiting....

Why do you care so much? You're not dating her. Honestly, I'd probably find it kind of wierd if my boyfriends ex was trying so hard to befriend me. Carry on being friends with the dude and just ignore her existance. You'd probably both be much happier.

My husband and I have never even talked about our ex's. Neither of us are curious or particularly care. I feel like there's something wtong with us.

No, your being wrong means you're wrong.

Putting "period" at the end of a sentance doesn't make you right.

You're not responding to Jezebel, you're responding to a particular comment. And you're responding with absolute twaddle.

Maybe it would help in situations like the wisdom teeth thing to replace "sorry" with "thank you"? I hope you reported the rude Air India customer rep to their manager. I don't know if it's cultural or not, but you don't have to tolerate rudeness like that.