Then put it another way. “It’d be incredibly stupid for an alcoholic to blame Jack Daniels for making whiskey.”
(I know an alcoholic or three, yes.)
He could be under the bus.
You’re way, way assuming I played Vanilla WoW. I only got talked into trying the game when Lich King was released.
Yeah, it enraptured millions, of course it did. There’s no need to even bother stating something that exceedingly obvious. I mean come on, “no shit, Sherlock.” It’s stupid to bring it up as a counter point. The point here is it failed to enrapture me, that’s what this discussion is about, why some people *didn’t*…
Conversely, the game failed in motivating me enough to do any of that. That’s a flaw on the game’s part. The job of the game is to enrapture the player, it failed to do so.
Wasn’t easy? It was incredibly easy. I didn’t have to look up a thing or ask anybody for help, it was that easy. The game basically held your hand the whole way. “Go here, click this. You don’t need to ask anyone for help.”
Funny, because I couldn’t stand WoW. “You mean, I could go all the way to max level without ever needing to speak or even coordinate with a single person?” Where’s the fun in that?
It took me one year to get to max level 75 (also leveling other jobs at the same time.) Later on, it took me about three years to get my Red Mage relic hat. Some of the best years of my gaming life.
And this part:
That’d be refreshing for *some* players, completely stupid for the company, and piss off everybody else.
“Yeah, we know it’s a horrible thing but, we’re going to keep leeching people for all we can because it makes us money.”
ADD: Makes everything interesting for a short period of time.
That’s where ADD is helpful. “Oh I want that! *gets distracted and never thinks about it again*”
I’ll help: It’s not worth it and it’s mostly going to do nothing but sit and gather dust. Go buy lunch instead and save yourself approximately $70.
I’m busy trying to figure out how to sell off a couple hundred dollars worth of anime figures I bought like an idiot when I was younger.
Anything below 70 was a failing grade, where I was from. 63 would be a D, but a D is failing.
Where I was, anything below 70 was a failing grade. The 60s were still Ds, but Ds were still failing.
Since when? Whenever I was in school, Anything in the 60s was certainly a D but,anything below a C was still a failing grade. That’s how I always knew it at least.
How could you possibly forget Stairway to Heaven?
and your pizza sucks!
I’d like it to be known that I would star this, but it’s currently at 11 stars, so I’m unable to do so.
This might well be the first useful thing Belgium has ever done.