
quick note at the end: "Not Sony's neither Philips'"

@tomatO_-: Interesting. I wonder if I can try to do that myself and not get the oil in my glass.

@amesandyuki: At least 9 years of constant news, perhaps?

@goatsitter: Wandering around the city is not as dangerous as you thin, unless you sit on something or walk on irradiated vegetation.

@gigawings: They can't get through at all, or it's just unlikely?

After level 30, it was grind city.

@Clutchman83: I don't hate everything that's popular at all. I just found GOW1 to be not entertaining.

This trailer is immensely charming. Great music, too.

@Izzeh: He made the Unreal franchise? Never knew that.

Gears of War is the most overrated franchise of the Xbox 360 console generation. Why is he so famous?

I miss Asheron's Call 2, Turbine. Help me out?

RIP Bill.

@Dr.Preston!: Your average user's idea of a discrete GPU is hurrr durrr.

Ash has DAT GAP...and it makes me very uncomfortable.

@jackdavinci: The exchange rate is 0.9974, so it's both.

Powdered Bone Slime!

If there were 28 screwy pixels on my 2,000,000 pixel screen, I would see them.