
@tande04: Wow that Michael Douglas comment is painful.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: My guess is that it was weak enough when the PVC started melting through that it would split before it melted all the way through to his unit.

ME2 launch trailer. Deus Ex most recent trailer close behind it.

@KimChen: Played all the games you mentioned, and if ME/ME2's mechanics were changed to top-down for the third, I think my head would explode in anger.

@seriously, saycarramrod: The same thing happens during anchorman when they're in the office singing "skyyyrocket in flight!" with their beers.

The Witcher. Played the demo when it came out, though the click combat was annoying.

@Aenean: Yep we have multiple people in our TS server almost every night playing BC2 still.

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: Given that the combined alliance fleet couldn't scratch a reaper in the first game without its shields being taken down, I doubt it.

@Assault: Read it in his voice -_-

@TheDengue: It does spoil, to an extent. Eat cheaply for a week and go buy ME2 as soon as possible.

@combatshotgun: Heh, that was my thought to. Won't care if it is like that, though. Still fund.

The reapers killed only a few million people in a WEEK?

@iadagraca: I haven't had any glitches with 1 or 2 on PC. Maybe get a newer card for god's sake!

@sneakypoo: In water, not air. Very different. Besides, it's much more complicated than just high speed vs. low speed: shape of the round, drag, composition of the round, etc.

@felipefonsecaps: Buy it on PC. You don't need a really fast PC for it.

@archronos: I don't think it's that they weren't satisfied. It sold well for being released on only two consoles. They just want more money.

EA hired the thief so that they could make this PR move! Genius!

@Curves: You make a good point.