
@smi1ey: The broken launches are part of the fun. The first few days of Everquest were hilariously frustrating.

@R0bster: Yep, that's how it works.

This is extremely awesome.

@EnochLight: The point is that they're better than CGI flynn.

@AngryFork: 2 years ago Kotaku had a bunch of facial animation demo videos that were so damn close to real that my brain had moments where I thought they were legit.

@Osagasu: No, I get that. My point was that I have seen facial reconstruction done better and more naturally before.

Did they intentionally make CGI Jeff Bridges odd looking? I know that studios can do better.

Let China take Taiwan. They won't make a stink when we crush NK and then hand it over to them (doubt they'd want to integrate with SK).

@RXBanditO: Yep. My Panny 50G25 is exceptional, and I haven't even gotten around to getting it calibrated.

Thank you, Rosa. I agree completely.

And this is why bloggers =! journalists.

@Edd White: Haha, yeah that's a good one.

Still can't wait until all the outragers are too lazy to actually do anything at TSA checkpoints and hang their head in shame for being another armchair critic.

@romevi04: Well I think we all know that he meant to say that his level of caring is as low as is possible.