@satyrica: Yes, but you're assuming that there is a definitive start and end to our universe. It might be much more complicated than that.
@satyrica: Yes, but you're assuming that there is a definitive start and end to our universe. It might be much more complicated than that.
@Maverick128: Ok, Ford.
Luke, there's been an FPS fix for PC (ATI/Nvidia) since a day or two after release.
@DTKT: Known issue. Go to newvegasnexus.com, register if you need to, click on files, then top 100 or top 25 of the week. You'll see a d3dx9.dll or something like that in there. Drop that in the folder it specifies and your problems will be solved.
@daputti: Way to be that guy.
I believe this is actually a deflagration, not an explosion. It doesn't appear to be a supersonic, shock compression type of blast.
@bluebogle: This is not North Korea. This is Korea. Read the game's description again.
@bluebogle: Once they take over, it won't be martial law all the time. They'll need a police force to handle their new territory of primarily english speakers.
@bluebogle: Of course they would. The population would need to know who was who (soldier, police, fire, EMT, etc.). Makes perfect sense that it says police in both languages.
I desperately hope that they keep the scene with the parents being
@Aenean: Completely agree. I still play BC2 online every
@Ubik! the Rat Parade: Yeah I posted that I did those campaign time
@T3rm1n4L: Steam purchasers = no time trials DLC :( Had to stick to
@itsgarberbetch: Absolutely nothing at all like Mass Effect. Not
@saulpimpson: Not familiar with that mission. Approx. how far into
@OutlawDominus: I was referring to a light armor helmet. I'm
@her0_0f_time: When I get home I'll post some text from a forum
@shkm: I want to hear more about Sam!
@shkm: Me too. Sad face.
@OutlawDominus: 3-6 hits? Even in in light armor on normal