
Will we ever see stuff like this for Android? The underlying hardware for all iOS phones is limited to, what, 4 iterations? Android has many, many more, so it's much harder to design for.

@MrPerson: Never realized the game had MP. Always figured it was 100% brutal SP.

@Apresmode: Burning Man? Was that in Sept?

@JollyClogger: Try again. You can edit posts, you know.

@GoldenLink: Very helpful, thanks. Should I go after the three legendary dog/cats or wait until I have all the badges?

@Spaceboy: Won't work. People do not tolerate lose-all-your-stuff deaths in MMOs.

@GoldenLink: My Onix has Screech, Harden, Rock Tomb and Rock...Throw?

@JRock: I'm really glad I skipped FFXIV. Gametrailers ripped it apart in their video review.

@Teira: Ha. I just started playing heartgold. My first pokemon game. I'm at ecruteak with gyarados, quilava, onix, bellsprout, togetic, and flaaffy all in their low 20s.

@GretzkyR99: If your laptop can accept VGA IN and display it, Microsoft makes a VGA adapter for the Xbox.

@gdlk: Yeah, I'm thinking another grass type, but not sure which are any good. I suppose I'll see.

@ClaudioIphigenia: Internet Problem Repair Method for 99% of all Problems:

Pokemon Heartgold:

@Cornjerky: Maybe. It's supposed to be very dangerous, though. You would need to bring someone for security.

@Cornjerky: Maybe. It's supposed to be very dangerous, though. You would need to bring someone for security.

Exploratory surgery to find a hidden, deadly ailment?