
Can io9/gawker PLEASE get some better gallery code?

How the hell do they keep that thing fastened to the ground?

@Mike Kletz: This post was from a month ago, but thanks.

@CubemonkeyNYC: 10.8 drivers have solved this. Used driver sweeper to remove the old ones and I'm all good.

@gametr4x: Same here. first a driver crash, then blue screen.

Anyone else have the battery glitch?

@hagren: Fee fi fo fum your argument is invalid /snarl.

@8thR: Spyder = convertible. Cloth top in this case. Not the car pictured.

@Sleet: The former MMOer in me thinks the collecting and leveling up parts of the games sound fun. Any 360 or PC titles?

Well kept secret: Glamour, Cosmo, and Vogue are full of soft core porn for dudes.

Are there any non-portable pokemon games?

@TrainerRed: The problem is that the episodes don't sell well.

@brtevis: There's really no way it could have been him. Read Fall of Reach. He was never on the planet once the attack started.

@TendoMentis: I dunno. Landing seems like an important piece of the puzzle.