
I think as a living world with a terrible situation for the human race, it’s great story-wise. It’s shitty and terrible, but that’s the universe. Grubs killed millions on E-Day, including children, men, women, old people, everyone. People died in gruesome ways, Gears kill Grubs in gruesome ways, the entire world is

I'd say Gears of War 2 is the pinnacle of single player. I replayed that game more times than I ever did the first or third.

Makes sense to me. Video games are more mainstream than they used to be, even non-mobile games, so it stands to reason that more girls play as a result. I’m sure more guys do, too, now that it’s socially acceptable to “game with your bros”, so to speak.

Maybe instead of changing this proposed law, we should get countries to make laws protecting things like doujinshi and fan fiction. Obviously the world is heading toward laws like this, regardless of what we do, so maybe rolling with it and protecting things we care for should be a priority instead of shoring up a

I wonder why this has been picked up so much recently when it’s been done for years now. I’m not complaining, I’m just confused as to, “why now?”

This was a surprise? There’s been rumors for awhile, and Halo Wars was really well received despite being a console RTS.

If Sunset Overdrive is any indication, then yes. Also, it looks like there might be different characters or character customization, so you won’t be Blondie McHipster there if you don’t want to be.


From what I can see, the problem is they changed her look. I doubt people would be as up in arms if an ugly/old/frumpy character was released with toned-down cleavage and actual clothing. It’s just the fact that something they had was changed.

I would say that this was my favorite anime of that season. Adventure, perverted shows, comedies, tragedies and more were showcased, but the amazing normalcy of this show was a hit with me among the hordes of shows. Kyoto Animation always strikes hard with their animation and this anime was no exception, and the

I find that hard to believe, considering that every genre that exists in other forms also exists in anime. If you just don’t enjoy the animation of anime, then I cannot help you, but there are so many different types of anime that I find it unreasonable when people lump them into one category and blow them off because

One of my favorite moments in this anime was RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROMAAAAANCE! But overall, this anime was a cheery dip into a fun, game-like world. Don’t go in expecting deep characters and amazing story lines. Go in expecting to just have fun watching a show with a little comedy, a little action, and some fan service.


A lot of people like to point out that this is a Warcraft movie, and not a WoW movie, but gigantic shoulder pads have existed in the Warcraft RTS games, too. Off the top of my head, the opening cinematic for Reign of Chaos has a footman with huge shoulder pads, and the Orcs have always had huge shoulder pads.

r/wow already fixed the poster.

I actually felt that was the weakest part of the trailer, because it reminded me a lot of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 shot where he’s tumbling through those towers with Electro exploding them around him; i.e. too much of a cgi shot.

Raynor is going to be part of it on the human side, no doubt. He’s a main character, after all.

That's the only mission I haven't done on Brutal. I feel like Heart of the Swarm campaign was a lot easier by comparison.

It probably would have been, but I feel that infestation needs more viewer investment in the series to understand over just an alien attacking them. Also budget.

There were tons of colonists all in one place, so it was useful. This is just one woman.