Have you even played Mists? It's got more content than Vanilla. It's been out longer than it, at this point, too.
Have you even played Mists? It's got more content than Vanilla. It's been out longer than it, at this point, too.
Hardly an overreaction. An expansion pack should have as much, or more, content than the base game. I sincerely doubt that's going to be the case with these two "expansions".
This, right here, this should be free. If they want to get people to continue playing their game, offering new raids and new missions have to be free, because these aren't "expansions". They're just new major patches.
I have to wonder if Titan became Destiny. They sounded really similar, so I imagine Activision incorporated some of the ideas, at least, into Destiny, since they're partnered with Blizzard.
In spite of? Guy, that happens everytime we reach the end of the cycle for the latest expansion.
There's actually several factions in Runeterra. Ionia, Noxus and Demacia, for example.
That you believe Kung-Fu Panda came first speaks worlds about your credibility.
WotLK had the best story of all of WoW. Then Pandaria. Then Vanilla. Then BC. Then Cata.
What a strange reason, considering wolfmen, bear men, fish men, cow men and other anthropomorphic animals exist already in the game.
Please, do tell how the best storyline since WotLK is silly and contrived.
Warcraft and DotA are two totally different games, so no, you're incorrect.
"How dare they like something I don't like!"
You'll choose all that on the Keep website thing for DA:I. You won't be bringing your game saves into this new game.
The boycott seems hilarious to me. Obviously you're boycotting it if you can't play it since you only have a PS4.
That's why he's posting about them. Signal boost to get more attention. Same with other indie title articles they do here.
How about Fighting is Magic? Super Smash Ponies? MegaMare X? Starswirl Academy?There's even a rudimentary Equestria MMO. Then there's the unfinished games, which are anything from platformers to a 3D smash-em-up. Tons more, too, that I'm not listing.
How so? I watch the show, and have bought some of the merch, but I'm no more obsessive over it as I am Halo or WoW or anime. It's just something fun to watch.
Man, I must have a fetish for video games, because I have a whole bunch of Halo merch. And man, I must have a fetish for Kirito, because I have a figurine of him sitting behind me. And man, I must have a fetish for little girls because I have a Powerpuff Girls plushie from years ago sitting on my TV.
Indeed, as you've already said.