Drunk and looking for a fight? He’s a pregnancy away from the Irish Triple Crown.
Drunk and looking for a fight? He’s a pregnancy away from the Irish Triple Crown.
Wow, Charlie Ward. Let’s remember some guys.
Okay that’s reasonable. Sure, so maybe Jez jumped the gun a little bit. But I don’t think it was malicious. And I guess sometimes intent matters less than results, if it had screwed up Kirkman’s career or made her life miserable, but still that counts for something.
That is how they get so much money. They did not become this rich by writing a lot of checks.
The story’s author takes us into the living room of Johnstown resident Pam Schilling, a 60-year-old retiree who is already keyed up to vote for Trump in 2020:
The spirit of Brian Cardinal will just find another host.
“Are we still going hiking?”
1) Not “these days.”
Last night, after the Knicks completed then comeback, a couple of old men drinking alone at a bar on the UWS each looked up at the TV and managed, briefly, to sputter out something resembling applause.
Really, referring to yourself loudly and insistently as some sort of exception to the norm is already a narcissism red flag, and narcissism tends to correlate with a lot of other antisocial behaviors.
It’s not really about the feminist thing. Any guy who is adament that he’s not like other guys (like the Nice Guy) is probably basing his opinion on what other guys are like on his own fucked up desires.
Crosby says it’s okay to visit with Trump.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Major League Soccer is proving by their actions that they are not Anti-Racist like they say they are or Anti-Fascist like they would like to say they are.
It’s like the cops in Vancouver don’t understand the First Amendment.
That’s not even the expression. The expression is that you don’t want the inmates running the asylum, which is offensive in a far more subtle way that probably wouldn’t have bothered anybody. The fact that he had to change the expression to make turn the players who are protesting (among other things) racial profiling…
At this point, I can’t imagine anyone doing a shittier job than Tillerson,
Hmm this situation sounds familiar. Wait! What’s that noise in the distance?
100 fucking percent FIFA. I’ll put my house on it.
“Jordan would’ve faked the pass and then sliced between three players for a tongue-wagging JAMMMM!!!.”
—Most guys over 50