
Ok I see what you're trying to say now. They have a pain response (or suffering as you put it) but it doesn't carry with it the excruciating sensation that we feel. Rather they "feel" the negative stimuli and respond to it via instinct rather than to relieve a "hurt" condition as we do.

Therein lies the question, is a "negative stimulus" not pain by another name? Sure, pain for another creature is likely not a 1:1 ratio to our own. Maybe not as complex or specific, but it must (in my opinion) exist in some form.

Wouldn't it be pertinent that all creatures feel pain? Would this not be an evolutionary must? Pain would play a vital role in shaping instinct. I would like to think that a pain response would be key in survival for any creature with a functional brain. Anyone who believes crustaceans don't feel pain was surely

I spoke with a financial adviser quite recently and they told me to "Pay the minimum balance, plus 10%."

Wow, that's dirty. If this is true it should really be noted in the article for consumer's sake.

Sam, with that gay ass look on his face, straight up BRICKS right in Frodo's mouth! *vomits* Love that movie

Nope. But I got a small 2.5% raise in October, then just this week I got a whopping 21.9% raise, and am promised to receive another 17% raise in June. I think companies vary wildly in their approaches to compensation. Personally, I'd rather have a higher steady income that climbs every 6 to 12 months than a free check

Part of me wants to antagonize you for spending good money on something so unnecessary, but mostly I'm just jealous.

Where'd you find a Subway with bacon that looks like actual bacon? They all look like water-logged scabs around here...

I agree with annmiller203. This is almost always a symptom of an overheating CPU.

That's what she said.

Bring on the OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND gifs...

Whoa. You mean "Game Mode" actually has some purpose other than aesthetics? Maybe that will solve the Rock Band/Guitar Hero headaches... Thanks LH

Kudos to you good sir.

You are a genius

That's not him, it's a still frame from a popular video blogger on YouTube.

Do they have black babies in special dark? Or maybe some mixed races in milk chocolate? Serious opportunity there.

Sadly I've found their subscription fee to be far more expensive than its use would permit. For me, anyway. The "paid" features are the only ones I really have use for, too.

Hope they've got the EXIF data.

Incoming apple lawsuit for curved corners...