
Went to buy a USB stick the other day, and more than half the selection had additional "cloud storage" "bonuses".

I'm building a mini PC (2Ghz, 4GB RAM, low-end GPU) to be an always-on host server for various games and media such as Minecraft, Terraria etc.



I wouldn't say the author's a joke. That's just going too far. Sure, there are SOME warranties worth having. Accidental damage is a huge factor there. In the great majority of cases it's just another angle to work more cash from the consumer. The insurance on my phone is $8/month. On a two year contract that adds up

I used to sometimes check the mail at a large online retailer I worked for. Every week there was at least one item sent back from USPS — be it a package or just a letter — totally shredded, opened, sliced or crushed. They're nice enough to stick an adhesive note letting you know it was damaged in shipping. As if you

Hope they stick to asteroids. Who knows what would happen if we retrieved too much mass from the Moon and brought it back here. Over the course of a few centuries it would likely affect tides, gravity and its orbit. The balance between Earth and the Moon is a delicate one!

I would say no. You would find it gives a minor, possibly moderate boost, but that hardware is too old. The SSD may be able to pump out 60 GB/s, but your motherboard's bus speeds need to be able to match the capabilities, which your hardware won't do. It'd essentially bottleneck your data stream and much of the

Having your core OS and utilities that are always running such as antivirus is where SSD's really shine. Everything secondary like games (well, you could keep a few), movies and music really don't need to be on the SSD. There's really no justification for pulling a music file off of an SSD if you've got limited space.

Yeah I see that now. Never intended to imply it was the girl's fault, or even the cell phone being an issue. That part was clearly for page clicks. Just going off of what was stated in the video, which was probably wrong.

Did you watch the second video? There's little caution blocks on the floor, as they point out. I'm not from China so I don't know if that's the cultural equivalent of the traffic cone here in the US, but it was indeed marked. However poorly so.

Knowing Monsanto, they more likely blackmailed them under threat of never-ending lawsuit if they refused to sell.

A proxy server.

The spotify app does indeed look wonderful. It is however about as reliable as a playing card house in the wind.

I can see how you might discredit the article about the own Facebook wall, granted the news tab shows /all/ of your accounts and not just Facebook, but every other point he makes in the article is spot-on. Also commenting with a "I stopped reading at..." is usually not the way to go haha.

LOL wish I made 50k. LOL wish my rent was $1,000.

I really wish I were active on G+. I absolutely love the layout and functionality. The only downside is that I'd essentially be talking to myself, rendering a social network, well, just a network.

I share your experience in the lack of reliability with Hamachi. It just stops working out of nowhere constantly, for inconsistent reasons and random users.

Hamachi is a terribly unreliable piece of software.

Very important for me to know what kind of graphical processor this thing has. The GPU prowess is key in any PC purchase.