
Awesome, thanks. I kept finding uses for the material but nothing in regards to consumption of food/drink exposed to it at hot temperature. Thanks for clearing it up.

I recently grabbed some soapstone cubes off of to cool my tea without dilution. I prefer my tea cool/cold, and waiting is a pain. Does anyone know of any safety or health concerns involved with using soapstone in a HOT liquid at or near boiling point? Yes, I tried Google.

"Beat a little longer for good measure."

I've never seen this. THANK. YOU.

Totally uncalled for. Not to mention this commercial is clearly in the US environment, directed at the US crowd. So in the context of this commercial - yes, the iPhone 4S came out first. You should consider the material before posting.

My thoughts exactly. I was about to buy that too :( At 51 inches the difference can be pretty noticeable.

Don't be so 'negative'

Lincoln used kukri and hatchets.

Why all the hate? Why exactly is there all of this media going around for a year or two now inciting hatred for Kutcher? I can't even think of an actual reason to shun this guy, other than the fact that media sites like THIS one keep suggesting I should. Feels like a lot of shallow, immature bandwagoning going on here.

I believe the point at hand is that the patent licensing fee that new companies have to pay to get onboard are too harsh and unfairly priced, essentially creating an imposed blockade that prevents a new rival from ever standing a chance. Hence the monopoly.

Someone claimed ownership of the sun. Enough said.

Thanks for all the help :)

Nope but I'm assuming I can google it when the time comes. Do you know a preferred method or resource? Thanks for the input.

Anyone have a preferred, time-tested cast iron pot to recommend? Any size is fine, I'm interested in various. It's hard to find a reliable one that isn't some store "brand" that is sure to get wobbly handles and poor heat distribution.

My thoughts exactly

You sir, are my hero.

Thanks for the correction

Isn't Best Buy selling the Nook for $50 off?


I find it hilarious that someone would complain about how software used to pirate copyrighted data is closed-source.