
In the market for starting a plan on a Windows OS Smartphone. Any suggestions? Open to any Carrier/Model.

I've read elsewhere that SMS piggybacks from cellular call streams and doesn't utilize the data methods. It can initially be sent through the data connection but traverses the carrier network via call systems. Silly? Absolutely. Profitable? Damn straight.

That was buggin' me too.

I find great irony in the owner of a company spending his time on gizmodo, commenting on how to prevent his employees from browsing the net.

Thank you sir for the laugh of the day.

Yes, I will get you a steak. YOU EAT THIS CATPOOP.

Best show ever. Pancake mix and blue paint?

It's already trash

Agreed on above. Tungsten Carbide all the way. You can get them real cheap, and there are plenty of flashy varieties with gemstone coloration embedded under the protective surface. I've had one for a year now and there's not even a scratch on it.


Here's something bugging me as of late.

Anyone looking forward to a Monster Hunter on the NGP? I'm really hoping for PS3 cross-play.

It all comes down to reflex and instinct, being able to pickup the motion in the peripherals and acting quickly. That comes mostly from competitive experience but playing through campaigns is a big help. Try beating campaigns on normal, then hard, and lastly veteran/elite/what have you. You'll get a lot more skill

An atrocity. I'm concerned by the trend rising of dumbing down games to be applicable to the kinect experience. The demo at E3 was criminal. The enemies just sat there waving weapons in flashy style but essentially it looked like a child's game with no real difficulty. The kinect isn't currently able to handle the

It is indeed 3D for both users. Full 3D, full HD. Here's an excerpt from Engadget.

THANK YOU! I'm very dissatisfied with all the dumbing-down of these games to fit the nature of the Kinect... the Star Wars game was an atrocity. They enemies just sat there waving weapons and there was no skill involved. Way too casual. On a similar note, that Fable Journey game they showed had some neat magic

I never said anything about Gilt or pretended to know anything about it. Never joined them, never used them, never claimed to. I referenced the sale, which you above admitted was invitation only, so enjoy.

I agree with you on the pricing thing. I really want a tablet. I'd toss my smartphone for it in a heartbeat. I disagree with him on the Apple droid-bashing, though. The android is a totally different experience. It's the classic example of why you can't really compare windows and iOS. They both have merits and tastes.

You must go /deeper/ oh wait, this is just a fanboi.

Finally someone clearly spells out the obvious for the morons.